Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15th, 2017 Waiting For Her Call

April 15th, 2017 Waiting For Her Call

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with great support.

Family came up from Stillwater tonight to visit with mom. I stopped by the restaurant where they were gathered and visited for a little while before heading to the store and home to prepare dinner. Normally, I'm able to navigate most any restaurant menu, but this restaurant was an exception. I was okay with waiting for dinner.

I'm likely getting activated for on-air weather coverage sometime in the next few hours, so I'll keep tonight's short and get as much sleep as possible before the weather radio starts tripping.

Today was a good food day. I've been waiting for the salmon to go back on sale and it did, and the grilled salmon tonight was fantastic.

Tomorrow's my grandson Noah's big Easter Egg hunt at the lake. A bunch of us will be watching him make the dash, including mom.

Courtney is on constant watch for this new baby--I'm waiting for her call--we're all waiting for the call to spring into action and get her to the hospital for delivery. I hope it doesn't happen tonight! But it might!

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. When writing a blog, especially a daily blog, it's hard to figure out what to write, isn't it? Not writing certain things sometimes feels like being dishonest, while writing in detail feels like too much personal info that leaves one open for ridicule. I think that's one reason I haven't been able to get back into the swing of regular posting. I'm kind of over day-in, day-out weight loss, but to expand? Hasn't gone well.

    I give you credit for doing it every day...every single day. Great persistence.

    I hope you and yours have had a happy Easter. No matter what else is going on--> He is risen!



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