Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 27th, 2017 Only Fair

April 27th, 2017 Only Fair

Dinner out with mom was part of the plan today. She fully expected another trip to the Mexican restaurant a couple blocks from my apartment--the one I never really get tired of--the one I eat from at least once a week, the one where they know me so very well--they simply ask, "beef or chicken this time? Do you want cheese with your order?" We didn't eat there tonight. Instead, we dined at mom's favorite place. It's only fair, I suppose! It did give me the opportunity to eat a couple things I rarely eat, but enjoy, because I don't keep them at home--cottage cheese and okra. It simply took a few questions answered by our server for me to order with confidence. "How many ounces on the grilled cod?" "What kind of seasoning do you use on the cod--and can you simply use salt and pepper?" "Can you do me a favor and please check the cottage cheese container for milk-fat percentage?" Questions they probably don't get very often. But important enough for me to ask.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, I stayed well connected with support contacts, and I completed a good cardio session at the YMCA.

Tweets take us the rest of the way...

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. I've had great success with intermittent fasting (say eating in a 6-8 hr window) then fasting the rest of the day. Often I eat 6am to noon and then don't eat until the next morning.

    Learning to IF may be something to consider- easing into with your bouncy schedule. I've discovered my food addiction to be in the highest level of remission by doing this, and my leanest body, AND the best sleep as a middle age person (51).

    Onward and kudos for staying on your food template. Check in with your support group- I'll bet there's 1-2 IF-er's in the group. I could be wrong, LOL.


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