Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5th, 2017 Not Sick

April 5th, 2017 Not Sick

It was a good day. I took a day off from the studio in order to sleep in--very important to be alert while driving mom to her appointment in Oklahoma City! I was alert and thoroughly enjoyed mom's company. The eye specialist appointment was a good one. Mom's vision is doing fine.

We dined just north of Oklahoma City this evening before making the trip back. It was a Mexican restaurant (big surprise-I know!), and we enjoyed a great meal. I asked the questions I needed answered before proceeding--mainly about sugar... "Do you use sugar in your salsa?" No... good. I also asked about the cheese soup-type stuff and was assured it too was sugar-free. It was a good meal.

When my chicken tacos arrived, they were much larger than I expected. The crispy corn shells were large--I initially ordered three, and immediately decided to set one aside. Two was enough.

I take great pride in making these restaurant navigation choices important. I simply forfietted my plan for too many years-- it was always, oh well--we're going to a restaurant, might as well forget it... And I've learned it doesn't have to be that way. It does take a plan. It does take a willingness to ask the questions. And it does feel amazing to dine at a restaurant and leave feeling satisfied, not sick.

We got back much later than expected. I made a quick store run--and now I'm finally about to drop for the night. I'm a little bit behind schedule--but today, it's the best I can do.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. "Might as well forget it," seems to be my mantra lately. It is too easy to ignore what you're doing to your body for that momentary pleasure of fattening food. I should know--I did it for 30 years. Good for you Sean!!

  2. Sean, I enjoyed the Hope Williams Church podcast today. Really got a lot out of her story. She told it very well.

    I am writing to say that my experience was the same as Hope's in regard to migraines. When I cleaned up my food, my migraines went away. I am down to one or two a year. Mine were many times a week at my worst. And medications gave me rebound migraines which are terrible. So I had really suffered, for many years, and I was giving them to myself without realizing it.

    I had other secondary conditions (acne, females issues, GI issues) that went away (this clean food) too.

    So I really appreciate that Hope talked about that topic. Because if anyone (friend, medical person, blogger) had suggested clean/one ingredient food as a solution, I would have listened. Constant migraines are really terrible. And it is not a one day or one week experiment. I cleaned my food up for good and that is what was needed. And by tracking my food calories, I isolated the single food sources that cause problems for me (dairy, cantaloupe, beets, etc). I was able to correlate what I ate and how I felt thru my food log.


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