Sunday, July 30, 2017

July 30th, 2017 The Perfect Time

July 30th, 2017 The Perfect Time

I slept in like a sleeping in champion today. 9.5 hours of sleep. It was glorious. It kind of tilted my food schedule today, but it was worth it to me. I felt amazing. I was very well rested!

I made my way to the studio early afternoon to get some work done on a production project, then picked up mom for a late lunch out. Mom loves every opportunity to get out and enjoy a good visit. Amber joined us. It was a wonderful visit! The food was pretty good, too. I took mom on a drive after dinner--out around the lake, and the longest way home possible. She loves simply going for a drive and visiting along the way. It was a nice outing for her and a great afternoon for all of us.
The three of us-selfie style!

When is the “Perfect Time?”

Is it when the finances are better? Maybe it's when the job stress is lower. Perhaps it's after the holidays. The perfect time might be as soon as they start another one of those challenges where everyone competes against one another. The perfect time could be when the house isn't so crowded or after the birthdays or...any other time than right now.

I searched for the “perfect time” for years. Looking back, I realize my search wasn't about any of those things. It was all about prolonging the need to take responsibility for the changes I desperately needed.

As long as I could proclaim “this isn't a good time,” I was free to continue my self-destructive food behaviors with a little less guilt. Searching for the perfect time to start became an enabler. 

The truth is, the list of reasons why this isn't the best time to start is easily generated and always ready to step in and relieve us of concern.

When the decision is made to start and we give ourselves the honest effort we deserve, suddenly we realize the truth:

The perfect time is always now.

And the circumstances we viewed as challenges may still exist, yet—they don't stop us. Our resolve for changes become boulders in the stream of life, where everything flows by, conforming as it needs, around the importance level we apply.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support contacts.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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