Monday, May 7, 2018

May 7th, 2018 Mad Rush

May 7th, 2018 Mad Rush

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

I overslept this morning. This is one of the big no-nos of morning radio. I slept right through my alarm. Lucky for me, a colleague was able to fill in on-air until I arrived. It wasn't good starting the week like this, in a mad rush. Everything gets abbreviated. I value my morning routine and it was done, just not in the relaxed way I prefer. The routine gets shortchanged when this happens. It's certainly something I wouldn't want to become a habit.

It took me until early afternoon to feel like I was calm and caught up. After starting on tilt, I'm really glad the workday ended well.

After a wonderful group support call, I made a trip to the store, stopped by for a quick visit with mom, then made it home to prepare a good dinner.

Thank you for the fantastic feedback I've been getting on the Bryan Ganey episode of Transformation Planet. If you haven't had a chance to listen, I hope you will! Here's a convenient PodBean player:

Episode description:
Bryan Ganey's transformation story contains two dramatic weight loss experiences. After losing two hundred fifty pounds in his twenties, he was set, or so he thought. After gaining it all back in less than a year, Bryan realized his plan was lacking a critical part. In this episode, he shares how this initial weight loss and regain experience became important information for his transformation to come over a decade later. His book "Impossible: How I Lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery" chronicles his transformation from nearly six hundred pounds to a healthy body weight and into maintenance. Bryan is a motivation speaker and best selling author. He's been featured on Rachael Ray, CNN, AOL, and The Dave Ramsey Show. Find out more at

Transformation Planet is available in iTunes for Apple, GooglePlay Store for Android devices, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. For many years I slept with an old fashioned alarm clock (electric with battery back up built into it) on top of my refrigerator in the kitchen. It was my back up. Set to go off a few minutes after the one in my bedroom.


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