Saturday, September 1, 2018

September 1st, 2018 The Oaks

September 1st, 2018 The Oaks

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal by 50%, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Today started early with production work at the studio followed by a location broadcast at a grocery store. I had a little bit of a break in-between the first broadcast and the second-enough for a short nap and a fast lunch. I decided to bring mom along for the experience of the second broadcast today. She had a blast at the Oak Ridge Boys concert. I had to be there for the broadcast from 5-8pm, so in order for mom to see the concert, she had to go with me for the broadcast. I picked her up a little after 4pm.

I was a little worried about the heat, but she did well. Of course, I kept her in the air conditioning until concert time. Typing that last line just made me literally laugh out loud. Yeah, I kept mom properly refrigerated like a pack of cold cuts so she wouldn't spoil before the concert. She appreciated this consideration, I'm sure. 

We were given VIP status--which included sitting way up front by the stage and a meet and greet before the show. It was great! Being on the radio has its perks! By the way--if you look at this photo closely, you'll see I'm wearing earbuds--it's actually my constant connection to the studio during the broadcast. When this photo was taken--I was hearing, "you're on in sixty seconds." The whole broadcast was full of multitasking, as you might imagine. The client, a casino--was very pleased with the broadcast. It was good.

It was tricky getting around the broadcast and making sure mom was okay. It worked. When it came time for dinner, I realized there just wasn't a choice that could work for me, so I made the decision to wait for a late dinner at home. I set mom up with hers--and made my way back to the marketing rep for our next on-air break. Once the broadcast was successfully finished, we were able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the music. I must say--The Oak Ridge Boys sound just as good today as they did in their prime. It was insanely good. Impressive. Mom couldn't believe that most of the members are older than her. That's true!

It was a good evening. Now- I'm tired! It's a few minutes after 1am. I started to watch a little stand-up on Netflix--made it about fifteen minutes...but really, I need to rest. I'm doing oximeter testing tonight. It's a device that looks like a big watch--plus a finger thingy that'll make me look like E.T. I wear it tonight--then turn it off and turn it back in on Tuesday. The medical supply people will read it and report to my doctor. The point of the test is to see if I might need to consider another sleep study. I'd love to believe that sleep apnea is something I don't have any more--but honestly, maybe I do. If so, it's certainly not severe like it was years ago, I mean--I don't wake up every day with a pounding oxygen deprivation headache like back in my 500 pound days, but it might explain why even after a relatively decent night's sleep, I'm still exhausted most days come mid-afternoon. If I do have it--I need it treated for a variety of reasons--and they're all super important reasons.

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