Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September 26th, 2018 That Groove

September 26th, 2018 That Groove

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I was up super-early yesterday. I'm glad I made it to bed early enough to be rested for the day. I did lean on a short nap in the afternoon--and good thing, it was perfect--just enough to have a productive late-afternoon/evening.

I'm really getting into the groove of this morning blog writing schedule. It helps wake me up! I remember trying to adjust my blog schedule one other time--if memory serves, the idea then was to write it in the afternoon. Making it a part of my morning routine works much better.

It's such a blessing for me to be closely connected to others who are making their way along this road. When you witness another's willingness for and commitment to their daily practice and all that it brings for them, it's simply the best. When you watch people struggle but not give up, it's one of the most inspiring things. And then, when they find that gear--that groove where their plan and practice starts to fit and work well for them, it's one of the greatest things.

I prepared a wonderful dinner last night. I normally don't buy beef filet--it's just too expensive, and besides--I prefer the calorie count of lean sirloin, but when you find it marked down more than 50%, well then-- kind of hard to pass up!

Putting together a good on-plan meal helps me feel more connected to my plan. The weighing/measuring, logging, and cooking--the process of it all, requires me to slow down some and connect with myself while I honor my plan. In the times when I was wildly off-plan or years ago, prior to 2008, I would rarely devote the time and attention to a meal like tonights. I was almost always in too much of a hurry while getting or eating the food. More, faster, now was the order of those days back when I would eat as if I had only minutes. Occasionally, I'll catch myself eating too fast, and when I do, I intentionally slow down and remember how it once was... and how it could be again if I ever lose my daily practice. I certainly don't plan on it-- but it's a day by day thing and truly, never something to take for granted. 

How will I honor my plan today? How will I take care of me? What will I make "non-negotiable" important? Those are some of the questions I must ask myself each morning.

Today's Featured Tweet:

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