Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 21st, 2018 That Would Be Nice

October 21st, 2018 That Would Be Nice

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Staying focused is a challenge for me. Certainly, there are things I've found a way to stay focused on or I wouldn't be here, but of all the things I focus on well, there are many things that don't get the same level of attention. In an effort to change this pattern, I'm looking at the things I'm able to focus on and dissecting what makes those work. I'm hoping this personal study will help me unlock a few areas of progress important to me.

I think it starts with the importance level I subconsciously assign things in my life. My "importance level knob" seems to have two settings, "life or death" and "that would be nice." Does that make sense? From one extreme to the other--The life or death setting requires boundaries and daily practices designed to keep me well. The that would be nice setting doesn't conjure up solid boundaries, daily practices, or action plans--because I can survive without the things attached to this setting. Not thrive, just survive.

Creating a few new settings between these two is critically important for me and my personal development.

The things I've written about so many times--too many times, like a committed weight training regimen, better overall physical fitness, and professional development goals/personal projects (another book, consistently released podcast episodes, developing a public speaking career, etc.)--all of those have been stuck in the "that would be nice" category in my brain.

Before I break each of my goals down into workable action plans they must receive a new importance level setting in my brain.

That would be nice is a setting best kept for things largely out of my control, like winning 1.6 billion dollars in the Mega Millions Lottery. Sure, that would be nice, but it isn't likely--especially since I never buy 'em, but at 1.6 billion, I might pick up a couple before Tuesday evening. That would be nice, huh?

These very real and important goals of mine deserve a better setting. Clearly, they're not physically and literally life or death things. But they do mean life or death for my dreams.

I don't want to reach the end of my life--laying there with my time up as family and friends stop by to visit, and I'm laying there preoccupied with mental visits from unrealized goals and dreams that were never given a chance to flourish. "Oh, what could have been" is a phrase I don't want in my brain during my last days on this earth.

This is a good place to find me. I'm looking at what works well and pulling some of that structure into other areas of my life. I'm creating new importance level settings in my brain. I'm creating action plans for real progress. I'm changing that would be nice into that is a must.

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