Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 31st, 2018 In The Produce Section

October 31st, 2018 In The Produce Section

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Conversations or at least a few words about weight loss, happen quite often while I'm out grocery shopping. I can't count the number of times someone has walked up and started a conversation with a question or a compliment and sometimes just a comment about the contents of my grocery cart. I don't mind at all. It's most usually a feel-good experience. It happened again yesterday. "So, what was the difference for you?"  That's a great question that could be answered in a very long-form way or a short and sweet way. I've learned how to keep it short and sweet in the produce section.

"I stopped dieting." This answer usually brings about a look of confusion. I don't leave it that short, I added: "Dieting was always a means to an end. If it's to be something I can sustain for the rest of my life it requires a different mindset. Instead of dieting, I look at what I do as recovery. That's the difference. It's a daily practice of intentional actions that have the best chance of keeping me in recovery for the rest of my life." 

My disease of food addiction and compulsive overeating laughs in the face of diets. If I try to put my disease up against a diet, the disease will win every time. The prize is my life and the disease would love nothing more than to take mine. The only opponent with a fighting chance is a daily practice anchored in recovery principals.

It's Halloween! Oh my goodness! Scary!! I'm proud to say I haven't eaten Halloween candy in years and I don't plan on starting today. As far as my daily practice goes, today is just another Wednesday. It might require me to be a little more mindful at times especially if I encounter those spooky food pushers!! "Come on, it's Halloween--one won't hurt ya!" Uh, yeah--no, no, it will, in a very deep and profound way that goes far beyond the caloric content or ingredients list.

I can enjoy Halloween in ways that do not include sacrificing myself to the sugar-demon.
Tonight is the Week 8 Group Conference Call for my accountability and support group! That means next Wednesday we start a brand new session. This upcoming session is the "Holiday Session," covering Thanksgiving, Christmas, and concluding with New Years. I've added six available spaces on a Thursday night group call at 8pm Central/9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. A couple of people have already claimed a spot. If you're ready to discover the potential positive effects of being engaged with this dynamic and diverse group, let me know soon! The 8-Week Session fee is $120. You're added to our secret Facebook page for daily accountability and support interactions. The group calls are conducted via conference call line once weekly. You also get the added benefit of "spot support" via text/call with me and other group members. You don't have to go it alone. None of us do this alone. Join our team! Questions? Email me: or call/text: 580-304-4531. I'll get back to you quickly.

Here's what one member our group has to say:
I am a longtime member of Sean's group and am in maintenance. Several years ago I had lost 50 lbs on my own but was stuck and needed something to help me finish....but it wasn't another food plan or something to make me scale obsessed. What I found was exactly what I needed to lose the rest of the weight- with Sean's wonderful support and a team of like-minded people, the emotional support to troubleshoot the mental part of losing weight, because in the end, it is not so much what you eat but the emotional obstacles that get in the way. Sean and the group will support you in creating a lifestyle that supports weight loss and maintenance. I cannot recommend this group enough! -D.A. in Washington D.C.

If you're ready for something different and powerful, I hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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