Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26th, 2018 Not So Simple

November 26th, 2018 Not So Simple

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I'm grateful for the time I've had over the extended holiday weekend. I didn't accomplish everything I set my sights on, but all in all, it was good. Yesterday was a slow day and honestly, I needed that. The high winds, blowing light snow, and frigid temperatures encouraged me to stay inside, however--I had to go to the store and studio for just a little while, so I bundled up! Our cold snap is nothing compared to the winter storm in other parts of the country. We got lucky here in the weather department!

I tried chickpea pasta last night. This lentil based pasta was recommended by an Italian friend of mine and if he gives it a thumbs up--that's good enough for me. It was a great alternative to whole wheat based options. Combined with 96% lean beef and refined sugar-free marinara, it's been added to my list of meal options. Very satisfying and so far, no triggers for more more more.

The food plan is always evolving. I must give special consideration to everything I add or take away from my list of options. Fortunately, after this long--the list of options is more than enough and as long as I continue honoring my food plan in the way of prepping, weighing, measuring, and preparing, I feel good about it. My trigger list is firm and is always ready for additions. Making additions to that list requires a large measure of self-honesty. Usually, it's fairly simple and obvious what must be on my personal trigger list, other times--not so simple. The important thing, in my opinion, is keeping the food plan under consideration at all times and be open to changes that accomplish one of two things: Add to my day to day variety or add to my personal trigger list.

I just received word that we're short-handed at the studio today. That doesn't always translate to a busier day, but it certainly can. It'll mean doing two different morning shows on two different stations at the same time--which, on the surface sounds daunting--but thanks to the technology of our studios--and that fact that they're across the hall from one another, really isn't. It's a challenge--but in a way, it's kind of fun. Okay--I'll go have fun now.

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This portion worked for my food plan last night. Adjustments could be made to make it smaller. 4oz of mini-beef meatballs instead of 5oz, one serving of the chickpea pasta instead of 1.5, and one serving of the marinara instead of two--and suddenly this meal checks in between 400 and 500 calories. Oh-- and the 55 calories of shredded cheese--really not needed! That would make it even lower. I think it makes a nice, adjustable, tasty addition to my list of available options.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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