Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9th, 2018 Woke Willing

November 9th, 2018 Woke Willing

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

As I hit the pillow last night, I felt good about the day. I accomplished some things. I did make it to the grocery store and that helped me prepare a good meal last night. Making sure I have what I need when I need it is always an important element of my plan.

I stayed well connected yesterday. Support friends become lifelines in moments that would otherwise send me reeling back into the food. There are certain truths along this road. One is, if ever I start thinking I have this all figured out and I can go it alone--that's the beginning of the end. It's happened that way every single time. It doesn't matter how long I have behind me. It doesn't matter how much experience. It doesn't matter how well I maintained my daily practice yesterday. Each day requires a reset that starts with my humble declaration of needing help and guidance to get me through another day. Of all the things I've learned and experienced along the way, this realization about the fragility of it all--and how I don't simply "got this," is likely the most important. All I got is my willingness to continue this daily practice. Today, I woke willing. 

In my experience, it's critically important to take pause for not only deciding on your on-plan approach in particular circumstances but also pausing to remind yourself of the importance of you and how your plan boundaries are set to ultimately take extraordinary care of you. Clearly defining those boundaries has been paramount to the consistency of my plan.

Maintaining the boundaries of our non-negotiable elements fosters growth in every other area of this process. When we disregard those boundaries, it stunts our growth and the result is often: We feel stuck and feel like we're doing the same thing over and over.

If consistently maintaining the boundaries of our plan is what brings growth and a natural evolution of the plan--and that consistency is what brings about positive progress, then we must first look at the plan--and make sure it's something we can maintain.

If it's too extreme, we're setting ourselves up for disappointment.

If we start small and with simplicity, and it's something we can work with inside the boundaries of the plan--that's when something magical starts happening. The challenge becomes the action of releasing judgment for what we might perceive to be an imperfect or incomplete plan--when all we're trying to do is get started from a place where consistency is the focus--and trusting that this approach will allow for a natural evolution of our plan. On the opposite side: If we decide we can't move forward unless everything is perfect within some elaborate "ideal" plan, we're setting ourselves up for a serious struggle with starts and stops.

One of the biggest threats to my consistency is emotion/stress levels.

One thing that's really helped me in this area is to examine not only my current state of mind and emotion but also my expectations for food at any particular moment.

Do I expect it to take me away from and improve emotional/stressful circumstances?

Or do I expect it to simply provide energy and nourish me physically?

Looking at my own expectations pushes me in the direction I need to make more progress toward handling things in ways that truly work, instead of me constantly relying on and believing that escaping into the food will help.

The food does provide a temporary reprieve from the circumstances at hand, but it's never improved the things I avoid, ever. In fact, when I turn to food for these things, it compounds my issues. I try to remember that often.

My continued recovery depends on the daily practice of my plan. I must always stay connected with support. The act of seeking and giving support is paramount. I can't do it alone. I don't know anyone who has done it alone in any kind of long-term sustainable way.

I often refer to the different elements of my plan as my "rails of support." I hold onto those rails every day. If ever I wake and say, "look, no hands," get ready to witness a hard fall.

My best advice is: Consistency Beats Intensity.

And the number one way to achieve consistency is by way of simplicity. Keep it simple!!!

Simple, simple, simple...It is crucial to maintaining consistency. We're the ones who make the rules--if we keep the rules simple to follow--then our chances of maintaining consistency goes up dramatically. And as we develop along the way--we can get as fancy and as specialized as we want and need, when we're ready.

It's a natural evolution of good choices. Not a sudden and dramatic change where we expect to be a completely different person as soon as we wake up to our pre-determined start day.

Don't be afraid to start small. Starting small and simple is a path to sustainable and consistent positive results. If you'll apply the patience needed for this approach and forget about the time it takes, you'll discover something amazing. Your "You Plan" will evolve in a very natural fashion. Your consistent positive progress will make your positive visualizations more believable because you'll clearly see where this is headed!! And where you're headed is a place where freedom lives. All kinds of freedom; physical, emotional, psychological, and more!

My focus on consistency isn't long term. It's today. I want to make today a good day. I want to hit the pillow tonight, knowing that I gave it my best shot--my honest to goodness, best. Not perfect, mind you--rather, the best I could do today. I want to do that again tomorrow. It feels good!!

Big-time accomplishments are not done all at once. It's a collection of much smaller accomplishments contributing in a positive way to the bigger goal ahead.

Set small, doable goals--and hit them square with everything you can. And acknowledge your accomplishments along the way. Feel good about you!!! You'll get back some wonderful results in return.

This whole thing is really the age-old tale of the tortoise Vs. the hare. You remember who won that race? The consistency of the tortoise beat the over-confidence and intensity of the hare.

You get what you give. Just try to make sure what you're giving is something you can keep giving--something doable for you--something sustainable, something to get excited about!!!

Surround yourself with support. Be kind to you. Remember: This isn't about perfection, it's about progress. One of the biggest barriers can be that voice inside our own head--the mental chatter speaking negatives and untruths. You can shut that voice down when you take it slow, steady, small, and simple. You'll gain consistency and lose weight.

Our entire broadcast company will gather today to lay to rest our friend and colleague, Illene Ozment. We will join her family and friends in Stillwater for the service. There will be a dinner immediately after the service. As far as my personal plan goes, I will survey the choices and decide to eat or wait, depending on what's available. I know the boundaries of my plan. I'll remember those.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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