Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 20th, 2019 Handy

January 20th, 2019 Handy

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support. I hit 5 stars. Yay, me!

Yesterday started early for my broadcast at the Eagle Watch event. Eagles go to bed early and get up early and don't take naps, so it required me to adapt to their schedule. I need to be more like an eagle. But enough about that. Speaking of sleep, I just enjoyed almost nine hours. No nap today. I slept in beautifully.

Last night's date night included Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream followed by a late dinner at my place. The play was very well done! I made a 96% lean ground beef, onion, red pepper, shredded cabbage, and sour cream thing--stuffed inside Joseph's flax-oat bran-whole wheat 60 calorie pitas. It was fast, easy, and delicious. Kristin couldn't get over the low-calorie value. Since she and I share certain boundaries with our food plans, (she also logs in MFP)--we discovered something very handy. If you're preparing a meal with someone who also logs--you can send them your completed meal entry via text, then they're able to simply tap it in order to automatically log it in their MFP, then, if needed--they can make adjustments if their amounts are different. Very handy! I prepared two identical plates, so it was super-simple. I rarely eat something I haven't--so many of the items I log each day pop up quickly, allowing me to log a meal very quickly. The most time-consuming thing for me is the weighing and measuring, but that too goes quicker with the repetition of experience.

My goal of swimming this weekend has yet to happen. I wanted to do it yesterday, but after ripping apart my apartment to find my bathing suit that hasn't been in the pool for more than three years, and still not finding it, I postponed that intention to today's plan. Now, the challenge will be finding a bathing suit at the store--in January. I'm sure that won't be an issue. Something cheap at Walmart is all I need--likely won't be on a big display, given the season, but I bet they're somewhere in that place.

The plan for today includes updating my "star" earning schedule, swimming, releasing an episode of my podcast, and originally, the plans included an outing with mom--but she just called to report she isn't feeling well-- flu-like stuff, so that may not happen.

I'm so grateful for the opportunities to connect with so many in "the same lifeboat." I enjoyed a wonderful phone chat and catch up this morning with a support friend. It was a blessing.

If you're traveling along this road too, that's one of my biggest suggestions: Don't try to go it alone! Connect and communicate--it makes a significant difference.

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 19 episodes waiting for you!

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