Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 14th, 2019 Abundance Of Life

April 14th, 2019 Abundance Of Life

Yesterday was a 5-star day: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, I had plenty of natural exercise with walking and stair climbing, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

As I look back on my life, specifically during the years where my 500-pound body weight reflected a man fully engulfed with the behaviors of food addiction and compulsive overeating, I think about all the living I missed.

I think about how my family, namely my daughters, were shortchanged because I was living life in constant service of the food. Now, to be fair, I do my best not to dwell there too long--and my daughters, ex-wife, and others are some of the most forgiving and loving people I know--I'm fortunate and loved, and blessed by their compassion and understanding. Addiction of any kind progressively steals one's life, body, mind, and soul. I mention this because I'm immensely grateful for the opportunities to do things differently. One day at a time, I must practice this practice of living that effectively exchanges the chaos of addiction for an abundance of life.

This weekend has been a full one! Noah had the time of his life at last night's Monster Truck Show. Spending time with him is such a blessing. To witness his joy for life and others melts my heart every single time. He spotted a friend from his kindergarten class too--and oh my, they were buddies sharing an awesome experience!

We had our earplugs ready to go. Those trucks are super-loud!!

Zilla was Noah's favorite. He told me so over dinner, after the event.

Dinner was simple. We found a nice little Mexican restaurant and ordered my trusty sour cream chicken crispy tacos. Noah wanted something else after we left the restaurant. "Po Po, can we get ice cream?" "We can get you some, buddy, sure!" There we were, 10pm, in the drive-through of an ice cream place. It doesn't bother me in the least to be in that situation. I don't make a habit of intentionally putting myself in this type of circumstance, but I feel a peace and calm in my recovery--for this circumstance, for Noah--absolutely. Ice cream is my number one trigger food of all time. To be calm, peaceful, and content, when it's around, is a miracle. I'm grateful for that. I handled the cup like it was kryptonite, carefully passing it back to Noah. It wasn't long before he finished his dessert and drifted off to sleep for the hour-long drive home.

What a wonderful night all the way around. I'm glad I took him for this experience. He and I haven't had a chance to do a lot lately--so with free tickets to the event--and a night off, this one was on!

This morning included narrating a cantata at a big church. This is the second time I've had the honor of narrating for this particular church. Doing live narration is one thing that makes me nervous. There are no do-overs! But I rehearsed yesterday morning with the orchestra and choir--and studied my script this morning over coffee, after my morning foundational routine, so I was as ready as I could be for this event. It turned out beautiful. Something about an amazing choir combined with an expertly tuned and conducted, it just gives me chills. They were so good!

Marcia, on the left, was my narrating partner today. She was an absolute pleasure to work alongside!

What a weekend! From the bingo fundraiser Friday night to my granddaughter Phoebe's first birthday party, cantata rehearsal and the Monster Truck trip with Noah yesterday, and today's cantata--a workout at the RecPlex later this afternoon, and dinner out with mom later--uh, yeah, I'd say I'm living throughout this daily practice that helps keep me well.

I shared a wonderful testimonial the other day from one of my weekly teleconference/daily Facebook private support group members. I have another to share with you today. Before I share her words, let me tell you--we only have a few available spots in this dynamic and powerful support group. Our next session starts on April 24th. If you have questions, email me soon:

The mission statement for our group says it all: "Creating and practicing a personal and unique plan enabling each of us to achieve, as a side effect, a body weight conducive to the best possible health benefits."

Okay, here's another testimonial:
I have been part of Sean's group for over 3 years. Not only was the group instrumental for me to be able to lose my last 30 lbs, but it has been very important in helping me maintain an approximately 80 lb weight loss for almost 2 years. Not only do you get Sean's inspirational leadership and experience and generosity of spirit, but you also get a group of wonderful, supportive teammates who will be there for you. We all follow our own plans, but the group is more about dealing with all the other things that get in the way of a healthy weight. In the end, what you eat is not as important as being able to deal with feelings and situations without turning to food. This group will help you with that. It was the missing piece for me. Recommend highly!!!! --D.A. Washington D.C.

My goodness, well said! Thank you, D!

Do you want to be on this dynamic and powerful team? It's a small and exclusive group of amazing people! Email me with questions!

Featured Instagram:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun time with your grandson! And good job for enjoying the ice cream and not letting it send you on a negative spiral! You are living life for sure!!!

    I love your comment about those around you being so supportive, compassionate and understanding about your addiction/weight. I find that so often in my life and it blows my mind and makes me so grateful to have those type of people!


I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. Thank you for your support!