Friday, April 5, 2019

April 5th, 2019 Mystery To Me

April 5th, 2019 Mystery To Me

Yesterday was a 4-star day: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

The past couple of days have been packed tight schedule-wise. When days come like this it requires me to plan better and make sure I'm at least having a good, solid morning foundation routine. Then, I hold on and go!

Morning show this morning, location broadcast midday, a haircut, vehicle service, and I'm about to hit the road for Oklahoma City's Skirvin Hotel, the sight of tonight's Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Awards Banquet. The meal is a mystery to me, but I'll employ the same strategy I used last year: I'll survey the selections and ask for what I need. It worked perfectly last year, but that was a different venue. We'll see. If the meal doesn't work for my food plan, I'll have a backup plan in my bag, waiting for me after the event. It shouldn't be an issue. For me, the worst would be something covered in a sugary glaze. One thing I've learned along this road is to ask for what I need. Nine times out of ten or better, I've found people will go out of their way to accommodate the special requests. I'm worth it!

I can remember a time when I wouldn't even think to ask for what I need. I'd just accept whatever was served my way as if I didn't have a choice. I do have a choice. Events like this don't come with a menu. Everyone is served the same thing unless you have certain dietary requirements, like me--and I assure you, I won't be the only one!

I'm excited about the awards, catching up with former colleagues I never see but once a year at this event, and seeing/listening to the award-winning segments. It's a good time!

It's going to be a late night! But totally worth every minute!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email!

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