Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 11th, 2019 Interesting and Unique

August 11th, 2019 Interesting and Unique

Yesterday was a 5-star day: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goals, got plenty of exercise at my broadcast and my 30-minute walk last night, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

My Saturday included a huge broadcast event at the grocery store regularly advertising with our radio stations. It's an interesting dynamic for me, personally, considering I'm surrounded by and often must promote things that are firmly on my personal trigger list. One of the many things I've learned about myself in therapy is my deeply ingrained instinct and ability to detach and compartmentalize. As a defense mechanism, it's had some positive effects and mostly some not so positive effects on my life. This ability to detach, disassociate, and compartmentalize has come in handy when my job requires me to "talk up" foods that, if I personally indulged, would eventually kill me. I just remember, these are my personal triggers and it's not like that for everybody. I do occasionally think about someone like me listening to one of the many food commercials I voice, with me as an "audio pusher," of sorts... but I can't worry about that unknown, it's my job--and I must do it well. It's an interesting and unique circumstance.

Mom is doing okay these days. She's still struggling some with the new antibiotic they're giving her for an infection in her legs. It's a fairly high powered antibiotic, so if she hasn't eaten enough prior to taking it, it makes her horribly sick. Mom has some fear associated with this infection because, number one--she's diabetic, and number two--her grandma, my great-grandma Hadley, had diabetes that eventually led to both of her legs being amputated. I've done my best to reassure mom that there's a big difference between great-grandma's circumstances and hers. Mom has the luxury of 24/7 nursing care and their job is to make sure, by whatever means, that an infection like this doesn't get to that point. She seemed to take comfort in that realization.

My morning foundational routine is complete, I'm about to prepare a good meal, and I'm planning a good Sunday. I might be getting mom out and about later for dinner and some shopping--it'll just depend on how she feels later today.

Have a great Sunday and thank you for reading! 

The next 8-Week session of my weight loss accountability and support group starts Wednesday, August 14th! Interested? Email me with questions: Here are some beautiful and inspiring testimonials:

"I’ve been a member of Sean’s weight loss support group for almost 3 years. The support and accountability have helped me to lose 120 pounds. The group has been instrumental in maintaining my weight loss. Highly recommend!" -KT in San Francisco

"Finding Sean Anderson and his Transformation group is one of the best tools I use to support my own transformation journey! Sean's attentive, nurturing leadership sets the tone of the group. I find acceptance, care, and concern even at times when I struggle to accept myself. This experience is much more than losing weight; it is about creating a life plan - one that is well-rounded, holistic that supports my physical changes. Sean is definitely not a drill sergeant barking out orders, but a gentle, kind soul who listens, encourages, supports, and yet, suggests challenging questions to allow me to dig deeper and develop the life plan that specifically works for me. And, because Sean does his own personal discovery work, he understands the good, the bad, and the ugly of losing weight and maintaining health and wellness and openly shares it, not as the expert, but as another traveler on this journey. The group is a small, intimate group of people on their own journeys and yet we come together virtually on a group page, and in weekly coaching calls to support and encourage one another and to have a place for celebration, idea sharing, and accountability. I am extremely grateful to have found a group which understands my challenges and accepts me where I am." -DS in Valparaiso, Indiana

"I had followed Sean’s blog and had heard about his group and finally decided that now was the time to start my final weight loss journey. Does he have a magical cure? No. But he has helped me realize how I now see weight loss and my own future. I enjoy that everyone in the group has their own plan and are at different places on their path. But, we all support each other and share our life’s struggles. We have bonded through mutual experience and inspire each other daily. I have lost a total of 111 lbs and have 150 more to go. I hope you will come join us and share your journey. You never know who you will inspire." -SA in Tulsa

"Have you struggled losing weight? Are you tired of losing and gaining the same weight over and over? I know I was. I have been a member of Sean's weight loss support group for some time now and find that the support and accountability you receive from Sean and his group are invaluable to your journey to a healthy new you. As a man, I was stubborn and thought I could do this on my own. Well, I will tell you that this might just be the missing piece of that puzzle you've been working on for a long time. Sean truly cares about every single person in his groups and will go the extra mile to help you succeed. The calls, coupled with the private Facebook page are one of the best investments you could ever make in yourself. Especially you guys, just do it and see what a difference it makes. I know it did for me. Personally, it all started for me with Sean's group, which was a stepping stone to more local groups and extended therapy. I learned more from others than I ever would have on my own. And I'm not too proud to say now that I couldn't have done this by myself. And it all started with one of Sean's support groups. I have currently lost over 200 lbs and I can assure you that without support and accountability, I would never have reached this point in my own journey. That I am sure of. Thanks, Sean for all your support during my own health journey." --M.F. In Las Vegas

"I have been part of Sean's group for over 3 years. Not only was the group instrumental for me to be able to lose my last 30 lbs, but it has been very important in helping me maintain an approximately 80 lb weight loss for almost 2 years. Not only do you get Sean's inspirational leadership and experience and generosity of spirit, but you also get a group of wonderful, supportive teammates who will be there for you. We all follow our own plans, but the group is more about dealing with all the other things that get in the way of a healthy weight. In the end, what you eat is not as important as being able to deal with feelings and situations without turning to food. This group will help you with that. It was the missing piece for me. Recommend highly!!!!" --D.A. Washington D.C.

"I highly recommend Sean's groups if you struggle with consistency in your healthy body goals. As an old (and I do mean old!) partner with Sean, I've seen firsthand the transformation that comes from working with him and his team." -Gerri Helms, Retired Life Coach

"It is a great tool of many for a successful weight loss/lifestyle change. I encourage anyone thinking about it to join us." -BJ in Kansas

Do you own an "I'm Choosing Change" wristband? This wristband can serve as a powerful awareness/mindfulness tool! It certainly does for me. I wear mine proudly, daily, and more and more people are joining me in this movement! Email me and let me know if you want one. I'll send you a secure $15 PayPal invoice and personally ship it to you right away!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email!

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