Friday, August 16, 2019

August 16th, 2019 Consistency Beats Intensity

August 16th, 2019 Consistency Beats Intensity

Yesterday was a 5-star day: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, I rocked an intense elliptical workout at the RecPlex, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

The workout last night was incredible. I played with the intensity/resistance levels--and oh my...uh, yeah...these new machines don't mess around. 

My morning foundational routine is complete, my food is packed and planned, and I'm ready for what will be a long Friday. I'm emceeing/DJing a huge event tonight, so it'll be a late one!

Consistency beats intensity. Consistency brings incredible things. How do we get it? 

The following excerpt from the archives, like everything else from this blog, comes from my experience. I was 83 pounds heavier when this was written. I had lost nearly 100 pounds of my relapse/regain weight by mid-October 2014.

Everything--the experience, the philosophy, the practices--everything in the below post still applies. Almost everything: I did edit out a small part of a paragraph about a previous relationship I was in at the time of its publishing. It was very positive--but not appropriate to republish.

From October 8th, 2014:

I believe we get what we give. The more we put into something, the more we get out of it. I want consistent results, so I give myself extraordinary care, consistently. It isn't always easy. It's certainly not as simple as saying. "I'm going to be consistent from here on out!" Don't we wish it were that easy? It's about maintaining a daily practice of things.

As I analyze the fundamentals of what I've been doing in my recovery mode, I realize I've built a system that works for me. It's a system of accountability, support, and open communication. In relapse, two of these three things were non-existent. I shut down my accountability and isolated, I may have communicated some, but not about my struggles. The support was always there but largely ignored, by my own choosing, so it wasn't effective.

Being consistent during this turnaround from the regain has required me to elevate my accountability. Sharing food and measurements via social media has been and continues to be a part of that accountability. I was resistant to the idea at first, fearing it would be a huge hassle. It's actually a complete pleasure and it's inspired me to eat better! I take my time in choosing, preparing and eating my food. I enjoy it more. I flipped that perspective and made it important.

I've recognized and accepted support in many forms. Your readership is support, your comments are support and I've established a list of people I know I can text or call anytime, night or day if I'm needing someone to talk me through a tough time or talk me out of a drive-through.

Open and honest communication--basically, the opposite of isolating, is crucial for consistency. In the dark depths of my relapse period, nobody knew how bad it had become because I was alone when I did what I was doing with food. It was my secret trip to the ice cream place every night before bed. Nobody knew, not my daughters, mom or anyone close to me. I was consistently in "hiding." Now, if those feelings/compulsions to binge show up--I pick up the phone and reach out for "spot support." Gerri Helms has been there for me on numerous occasions. And I have others who are ready if I need them. And I will, I'm sure--at some point. On the other hand--I'm also available for them, anytime.

Keeping things simple is a major part of the foundation making consistency possible. I don't get too technical. I don't crunch the numbers or get into confusing plans or patterns. I simply eat as well as I can and desire and I make time for exercise. I have some personal food rules, of course: No sugar, I avoid trigger foods, measuring is very important and proper portion control is a must. I make sure I'm eating things I truly enjoy. And I'm not afraid to be repetitious in my selections, especially with breakfast and lunch. If I get tired of something, I'll naturally shift to other things. If I don't get tired of it and I enjoy it, then what's not good about that?

Simple, simple, simple...It is crucial to maintaining consistency. We're the ones who make the rules--if we keep the rules simple to follow--then our chances of maintaining consistency goes up dramatically. And as we develop along the way--we can get as fancy and as specialized as we want and need, when we're ready. It's a natural evolution of good choices. Not a sudden and dramatic change where we expect to be a completely different person as soon as we wake up on our pre-determined start day.

My focus on consistency isn't long term. It's today. I want to make today a good day. I want to hit the pillow tonight, knowing that I gave it my best shot--my honest to goodness, best. Not perfect, mind you--rather, the best I could do today. I want to do that again tomorrow. It feels good!! We gain momentum in either direction, good or not as good. Our choices lead to more like choices.

Big time accomplishments are not done all at once. It's a collection of much smaller accomplishments, each of which contributes in a positive way to the bigger goal ahead. I'm setting small, doable goals--and hitting them square with everything I can. And I'm getting back some wonderful results in return. You get what you give, it's a universal truth.

The DDWL Mailbag:
(Referring to blog post "What Is True?" dated August 12th) "Sean - when you wrote "regardless of your relationship status" that really hit home. My relationship's just fine, but all relationships - spouses, parents, children, grandchildren - have their ups and downs. You made me realize that I've been looking to those relationships to define my happiness and they are so out of my control. It made me realize that it is the constants within me that enable those relationships and I have to look for and nourish them. As always, you are truly insightful. Thanks."-Jeanne

If you have a question, comment, personal epiphany, or anything else you're willing to share, please do via comment, social media message, email, or simply text 580-491-2228.

My new website is coming next week! Yay!

I'm all about self-love and acceptance, as long as it doesn't become a convenient excuse/rationalization for inaction. I “loved” myself for years, and I embraced morbid obesity and the behaviors that kept me in a place of acceptance—a place determined to eventually kill me.  One of the greatest expressions of self-love is exploring and accepting the power we hold, to choose change—once and for all, like never before.

Do you own an "I'm Choosing Change" wristband? This wristband can serve as a powerful awareness/mindfulness tool! It certainly does for me. I wear mine proudly, daily, and more and more people are joining me in this movement! Email me and let me know if you want one. I'll send you a secure $15 PayPal invoice and personally ship it to you right away!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email!

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