Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 21st, 2019 A Tough Little Exercise

September 21st, 2019 A Tough Little Exercise

The past couple of days have been 4-star days: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal one day and met it yesterday, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I've been in a real slump with my exercise schedule lately. I've learned how if I look at this from a negative perspective it likely won't improve. If I spend too much time on the benefits I'm missing out on, it'll create negative head chatter in the vein of "shoulda, coulda, woulda." Phrases that start with "I should be..." "I could be..." "I would have..." "I need to be..." are all fertile ground for negative head chatter to grow. I'm a firm believer in how everything we do serves us in some way. Instead of focusing on what I don't have or what I'm not giving myself, I first need to look at what this lack of structure in my exercise schedule gives me. How does it benefit me?

My inconsistency with an exercise schedule gives me flexibility. It gives me opportunities to get more rest. It gives me freedom to focus on other things. Well, this is a tough little exercise in perspective!! I'm having a difficult time coming up with benefits!! If I'm 100% honest with myself, the biggest benefit is: It enables me to continue patterns of time management that ultimately are not supportive for consistency. That's an honest bottom line. In eleven years, I've discovered that simply saying: "I'm going to do X from now on" doesn't work unless I back up and look at what I can do in support of that declaration. If I don't create the structure needed to honor the declaration, the declaration itself becomes fertile ground for negative energy.

Declaring the desired destination without a plan to get there will always arrive at an unintended destination, preceded by a lot of frustration, starts and stops, and doing the same things over and over again, expecting a different result. Insanity! 

When I work with people in developing their daily practice, the most important question isn't "what are you going to do?" The most important question is, "what intentional actions are you willing to do in support of this?"

I'm perfectly imperfect. I'm just as human as the next person. I compartmentalize certain areas and set priority levels that are truly non-negotiable for some things and not for others. It's just what is. I compartmentalize and detach from things that ultimately challenge my overall growth, like a champ!! My longtime mentor, Gerri Helms, recently reminded me: "Ow" is in the middle of "growth." Isn't that the truth!

What do I want and what am I willing to do to get what I desire? My answers to those questions aren't measured--and haven't been measured by what I say, write, or declare in this very personal diary. The answers are always found in what I've done and what I do now.

Stay tuned and we'll find out together. ("stay tuned," that's the broadcaster in me).

I share what I share in this diary to help me. If you're reading this and you find something that resonates with you, too, then it's a beautiful bonus. I'm grateful for all the things this diary has given me over the last eleven years. It's truly been life-changing for me.
Today includes a three-hour broadcast from a car dealership and tonight I'm emceeing and dj'ing a fall festival for a local Catholic church/school. It'll be a good day!

My morning foundational routine is complete, I'm about to prepare a good on-plan breakfast, and I'm poised for a positive Saturday. I hope yours is a great one!

My new website shares a phone number with my podcast, Transformation Planet, and it's always available for you! Have a question about anything discussed on this blog or heard on the podcast? Text me! Do you have a question about your own plan practice? Text it! 580-491-2228 I'll text you back!

Do you own an "I'm Choosing Change" wristband? This wristband can serve as a powerful awareness/mindfulness tool! It certainly does for me. I wear mine proudly, daily, and more and more people are joining me in this movement! You can now order yours directly from my new website! Here's the link to the wristbands: Click HERE!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

My new website:

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email!

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