Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 26th, 2020 I'm A Lucky Guy

April 26th, 2020 I'm A Lucky Guy

Since our last edition: I've maintained the integrity of my food plan boundaries, I've remained refined sugar-free, I've met or exceeded my daily water goal, and I've stayed well connected with exceptional support.

The brain is fascinating. I didn't start having ear pain until I was diagnosed with a double ear infection. It's like my brain said, "Oh yeah, right--almost forgot. I've been kind of busy with all this other crap. Here's some ear pain for ya. Good luck, dude." 

Yesterday was rough. Some fever, throat pain, and ear pain--all of it playing together like a three-piece band with each stepping forward for an occasional solo while the others played rhythm. I slept a lot. After a solid night's rest, it seems Strep Fever & The Boys have loaded out. No symptoms so far. Maybe Day 4 on the meds is the magic day. Otherwise, I'm doing well.

I do my best to extend love and kindness to others but I sometimes have a difficult time fully accepting love and kindness. I'm a thinker and armchair philosopher. Always have been. Many of my personal revelations aren't anything new to the world, just new to me. Often, I must stop talking and writing in order to simply watch and listen. I'm always open to learning. I do believe our capacity to accept love mirrors our level of self-love. But I digress, and I'll leave that topic for my therapist.

One thing is for sure, I'm tremendously grateful for the love and kindness extended to me lately. It's been a Godsend. The calls, messages, emails, the offers to get me things I need, the "hey, how are you doing right now?" check-ins--wonderful and beautiful connections, for sure. A friend of mine shipped me a thermometer after I mentioned how this area's stock of thermometers was completely gone. Yesterday, an ex-girlfriend, who, by the way, is graduating from college with honors next month (congrats Kelly!!!!) and her incredibly awesome husband drove 90 miles to deliver the best freshly prepared Mexican chicken soup in the world plus a few needed grocery items. They also enjoyed a hike at one of our scenic lakes while they were in the area. If that sounds strange, it isn't really--our post-relationship friendship is firmly grounded in mutual respect and genuine happiness for one another. Not every breakup goes in that direction, but that one and a few others have--and it's always a blessing, for sure.

I'm a lucky guy. Strep and a double ear infection in the middle of this COVID-19 global pandemic is a very fortunate thing. I have medicine that'll kick it and I'm feeling well enough to compose this post today. Reading about what other people are going through right now is simply heartbreaking. I pray that we all, as a society, continue to be diligent in these new and necessary practices designed to help keep us well. Wearing a mask in public only feels weird until you notice most everyone else is also wearing a mask. Two months ago or less, seeing someone wearing a mask in public might be cause for alarm, like, hey-are they robbing this place? But now it's a public health safety precaution. My mask was gifted to me by a colleague. It was her only one. I felt bad in accepting it, but she assured me she'd get another one.

Mom is doing very well lately. The nursing home is taking exceptional care of her in so many ways. When we spoke yesterday, she was super excited about the parade scheduled for Monday morning at 10:30am. The nursing home is planning to safely assemble the residents outside, properly distanced, for a big parade of loved ones to drive through, honk, wave, blow kisses, and whatever else we can do to remind them how much they're loved and missed through this exceptional and unprecedented period we're living through. Mom asked, will you be here for that? I wouldn't miss it for the world. Of course, I'll be there.

My morning routine was complete this morning. I'm feeling so much better and I have several things on my to-do list for today, but none in the "too-much" category. I plan to take my meds, prepare a meal or two, do some apartment cleaning, have a few reach-out calls and several reach-out texts, take a nap at some point, and a few other things. The plan of action for today is subject to change, of course. We'll see how it goes.

Thank you for reading and your tremendous support. It's immensely appreciated.

Do you own an "I'm Choosing Change" wristband? I wear mine daily as a constant reminder of why my daily practice of things is important. For me, it's simply a daily reminder to be open, willing, mindful, to pause, and to be intentional. If I'm not those things, I get stuck at the line of least resistance and back there is where the old patterns and behaviors thrive. Your order includes priority shipping so you'll get it quickly! Here's the link to order yours right now:

My website shares a phone number with my podcast, Transformation Planet, and it's always available for you! Have a question? Want to share your story? Leave a voicemail or Text me! 580-491-2228 I'll text you back!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

My website:

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email!

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