Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 157 A Record Setting Weigh Day

Day 157

A Record Setting Weigh Day

I enjoyed today's weigh day tremendously. Almost as much as my first two week weigh-in in the beginning. Two weeks ago I knew that if I lost 9 pounds this time, I would tie my all time personal weight loss record. I was going for 10, because I wanted to break it. And break it is exactly what I did! I was rewarded for my efforts today with a 13 pound two week loss, bringing my total lost to 119. My previous weight loss record was 115 lbs. The scale stopped and froze on 386 today. I love it! I weigh 386! Can you believe it? 119 pounds in 157 days, I couldn't be happier! Even though today was very busy and ran at a hectic pace, I was on top of the world from the moment I stepped on those scales! There's no time for celebrating. We're still not quite half way there, but we're fast approaching! And now, every pound I lose will be a new personal weight loss record. I really need to invest in some new clothes! Everything I wear now is too big, even those 54/30 Levis jeans---without a belt, I couldn't wear them at all! I hope to purchase some new clothes soon. I don't need to buy much because I'm not sticking around this size for very long!

After a long and tiring day, rest seemed like a really good alternative to working out. I mean after all, I just set a new record! I deserve a break right? NO! We hit the YMCA and pounded out a nice cardio workout. After 1.5 tough miles at 3.6 mph on the treadmill I jumped into a racquetball court and moved like an athlete to keep the ball in play. I was completely drained afterwards and really hungry! For dinner tonight we just grabbed some Taco Bell. I'm too tired to cook anything, and Courtney and I both had enough calories remaining to easily handle a taco and a bean burrito, even with sour cream! After what I had for dinner last night, and now Taco Bell, you might be wondering “what kind of food plan is this?” It's the counting calories food plan. And I've lost 119 pounds doing it! But, I'm the first to admit that I could learn some things about nutrition and how certain carbs, protiens, sugars, and fats effect my body and performance. That's where the “learning along the way” part comes in. I do like the freedom that calorie counting allows me, however, I find myself strategically eating more protein before workout time. And Mark, you know, “that guy” I kept looking at the other night, he mentioned having some kind of carbohydrate within 30 minutes of a workout. I look forward to better understanding the science behind nutrition as I progress down this road. I have a strong feeling that weight training will demand it.

Tomorrow morning Cathy Cole from Ponca City Medical Center will be a guest on my radio show. We'll be talking about the “Lose To Win” Challenge and the big kick-off tomorrow night. I really think the number of entrants has surprised people. I can't wait to get a number to report in tomorrow nights blog. How many pounds can Ponca City lose? We're going to find out! I wish everyone who read this blog was close enough to participate if they wanted. I know that's impossible, but I'll share all the details during the two month competition right here. I'm also looking forward to speaking for a few minutes about my journey. It's sure to be a great evening! I'll tell you all about it in tomorrow nights edition.

Another milestone weigh day is in the books. What's next? 150! Then eventually 200 pounds lost! I can't imagine feeling too much better than I do right now, and that excites me to no end. Because it's getting better, it's getting better every single day. Good night and...

Good Choices,


  1. You were great tonight!!! Thank you for doing what you have done to help us out. I will be reading this everyday. Thanks again. Carla Pritchard

  2. Congratulations on your record-breaking weigh-in! Way to go! WOO HOO!


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