Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 158 Sharing With Passion and I'm A Mommas Boy

Day 158

Sharing With Passion and I'm A Mommas Boy

After the kind of amazing day yesterday was, I really didn't think that I could feel any better than that anytime soon. But tonight was an experience I hold very dear. The “Lose To Win” kick off was a success. It's almost an understatement to use the word “success.” I don't know what the final count turned out to be, but the number of RSVP's were 350 by early afternoon, and by the time the event started, I would say close to 400 packed in for a standing room only kick-off event. To see so many people ready to make positive changes in their lifestyle and health was amazing. I originally thought I would do five, maybe ten minutes of speaking tonight. Then when I arrived they asked me to do upwards of twenty. I ended up speaking for almost forty-five minutes. I couldn't help it! When you're extremely passionate about something, people can spot your sincerity, when they do that, they listen, and when they listen I can't help but tell them about my journey. My speaking engagement tonight was a roller coaster ride of emotions for me. I made them laugh and I made some cry, I just hope I was effectively communicating my message. And I really think I did. It was by far the best experience I've ever had speaking to a group, ever. Of course my experience in speaking has been strictly stand-up. This is the first time in my life that I've spoken to a group in a motivational/inspirational way. I hope I have many more opportunities to speak to people in the future. Setting a new personal weight loss record yesterday? Awesome. Sharing my story with a room full of people wanting to improve their lives? Priceless. Hats off to Ponca City Medical Center. They handled the event like the pros they are! It's amazing to see such a large hospital group really care about giving back to their communities. Ponca City Medical Center is one of 80 hospitals within their group, and one of many around the country doing the “Lose To Win” Challenge. So if you read this blog from outside of the area, check with your local hospitals to see if they're doing the same.

My mom called me before I could call her tonight. She's struggled with her weight her entire life. She's one of my biggest cheerleaders, and I'm so happy to relieve her stress, because she's worried about me for so long. When I was over 500 pounds, she use to call me, sometimes in the middle of the night, just to tell me how much she worried about my weight. She would stay up crying, worrying, and praying that my “someday” would come around in time. She's told me several times over the last 158 days that my performance has been an answer to her prayers. I don't know if I can find the words to describe the love I have for my mom. She's a very special lady. And I've hoped that my success would encourage her and inspire her to lose the weight and dramatically improve her health. She reads every single day of this blog, and still she's struggled to find that place where “can't” doesn't exist. Now the tables have turned. I'm the one that worries about her. I call her every single night and I try to encourage her. And tonight she surprised me. She told me that she got up, put the shoes on, and went outside to walk!! She made that all important first step. She's walked before, but recently without consistency, so imagine my delight when I heard her say “and I'm going to do it again tomorrow!” Mom, just like I've told you time and time again, you've got to believe you can do it. Because you can. One step at a time, one day at a time, you will be amazed at the results you'll see and feel. And then my prayers will be answered. Love you mom...;)

I still had to get my workout in after the event tonight, since the Y closes at 9pm, I had no choice but to lace up the shoes and hit that old familiar trail. Tonight it was just me out there. With Christopher Cross, REO Speedwagon, and Green Day providing the sound track, I pounded out a very nice two mile workout. I probably could have walked all night, I felt that good! Instead I just amped up my pace to increase my intensity and felt good about it! I'm thrilled at the wonderful things the future holds. I have to close my eyes and give thanks everyday for this opportunity I've been given. Thank you for reading and sharing my blog with others. What started out as a way to keep myself on track and motivate my little family has really blossomed. I couldn't be more proud. Good night and...

Good Choices,

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you hit 500lbs! You are on you way! Keep it up!


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