Saturday, February 23, 2013

Being Happy Today

Being Happy Today

I'm not a fan of long lists of excuses for why I haven't been posting regularly.  Any excuse I might offer, although a valid and true circumstance, isn't the fault or reason.  If circumstances kept me from succeeding I would have never lost 275 pounds in the first place.  Often, the circumstances become convenient places to rest the responsibility I have to take good care of myself. I detach these circumstances from me and they become a place where I can point and say "See, it's not my fault."  I'm too much of a realist to accept this victim minded thought pattern.  Self-honesty about my food addiction and emotional/compulsive eating makes it very difficult to feed myself anything other than the real truth.

I've obviously struggled recently but not in the same way as before.  It's been a long time since a "run and hide" binge around here.  That's good, sure, but there hasn't been dramatic movement in a positive direction either. 

My personal struggles involve faith in myself and my abilities to effectively succeed in the way I envision. When this introspective examination weighs heavy, it suppresses my enthusiasm for good eating and exercise choices. And that's where we have a serious issue.  Realizing my dreams sit atop a foundation secured by my commitment to take care of my body, mind and soul, I've decided backing away and examining what I truly want in life is paramount at this time.

What do I want in life?

Peace. Inner-peace. I want to be out of debt. I want to better appreciate the love and family I already have. I want to help people better understand their unique path to freedom from obesity. I want to explore my passion, my mission, my dreams and I want to get in the best shape of my life while doing it all. 

I've spent my life struggling to succeed while at the same time displaying enormous potential to excel at whatever I choose.  It started in grade school when a teacher told my mom "Sean has the potential to be a straight A student if he chooses to apply himself."  This "potential" theme has permeated through everything I've ever set out to accomplish.  It was found in my stand-up comedy, in broadcasting and now in my public speaking.

There are two angles here: If I'm constantly reaching for some future "success" to finally "put me together," then I'm missing an opportunity to be content and happy in the success of here and now.  It doesn't mean I settle.  It means I allow myself to be happy today.  And my happiness flows from my actions.  And the actions lead to accomplishment naturally; organically.  This is far better than sitting around trying to reason for or against myself.

So, enough of this introspective examination stuff.  A good friend recently shared this thought with me: Enlightenment and faith comes after action, never before.  I didn't know how I was going to lose 275 pounds before I took that first step, but I took action and along the way I became full of faith and enlightenment about my weight loss. Any doubts I had going in were quickly negated by the fruits of my positive actions/choices.

The secret to my success isn't as complicated as I make it.  It requires me to choose to be happy today while doing the actions supporting my happiness tomorrow.  In other words, I just need to chill out and move along.

I must work the proven steps of recovery, walk straight, smile and embrace the fundamentals that have brought me to this place in time.

I'll save the promises for regular postings here and I'll make the most important promise to myself: I will take pride in my actions and choices from this point forward.  The fruits of my promise will be strongly evident and real, instead of flimsy words and wishes.

I've upped the ante on my accountability factor by joining MyFitnessPal and making my food and exercise diary public.  I invite you to join me!  My username is SeanAAnderson.  Visit to find me.

There's so much more I'd like to write here--I could go deeper, but this is sufficient today.  I'm okay today.  I'm happy today.

My best to you always,
Good Choices,


  1. Chill out and move along! Love this!

  2. Sean, you are SO enlightened and lighter because of it. What a great philosophy to be happy in the moment. I have told myself for years that I will be happy WHEN I lose weight, WHEN I quit working, WHEN I am happier in my relationships, etc., etc., etc. Being happy right now, here today, is such a great way to look at life for all of us. Thank you for the reminder.

    I absolutely love your writing, your wisdom, the enlightenment you impart to me each and every time I read something you post here or on FB. Keep on keeping on and Hakuna Matata!

  3. Why is there so often such a chasm between our insights and our actions? Oh, if I knew the answer to that...

    Sometimes I feel as if being an analytical, introspective person can almost do more harm than good when it comes to weight loss, as you've suggested.

    But at the same time, your insights are profound and amazing, and I love reading your thoughts about this whole ongoing journey we're on, back toward "normalness."

    Thanks for writing. I've missed you.

  4. Glad to see you back. :-)

  5. you don't realize what your missing until you arrive sometimes. You didn't do a ton of lost the, I was a frickin' freudian slip for three years. It really helped to ground me...but it was hard. Everyone does things in their own way. I too had to step back..for over a year and say "now what?" Because quite frankly...being thinner is not the just opens up a whole lot more possibilities and beginnings. Now that you are capable of doing lots of things..what is it that you want to do. You don't have to paint yourself into a corner..yes, you want to help people...but that doesn't have to be 'it'. You can also find something to do to fill the void food used to fill...something you are passionate about..a hobby? Maybe an amateur baseball league? Maybe bowling? I have started really drawing again. Find something that takes you out of yourself for a while..something that makes you happy and is for no other purpose than that...making you happy.

  6. My favorite paragraph:
    The secret to my success isn't as complicated as I make it. It requires me to choose to be happy today while doing the actions supporting my happiness tomorrow. In other words, I just need to chill out and move along.

    Love that. And couldn't agree more.
    Peace to you, Sean.

  7. Time to take it easy on yourself and just enjoy!

  8. Always good to see you working it out for yourself and helping others by sharing your insights. You have so much to offer to those who are still lost in the forest of food addiction. You don't have to be perfect to make a difference.

  9. Hi Sean,

    Just wanted to share something that I thought you might find helpful these days. There are a few books that I have found incredibly fantastic when struggling - Health At Every Size, by Dr. Linda Bacon; Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole; Overcoming Overeating, by Jane Hirschmann and Carol Munter; and Breaking Free From Emotional Eating, by Geneen Roth.

    Best wishes.

  10. Love, love, love your insights. I think you hit the nail on the head really, you really are about as happy as you make up your mind to be :)

  11. Having accountability for your actions definately motivates you.
    I've just started documenting my progress and it has upped my motivation levels ten fold.
    Hope MyFitnessPal gives you the same.
    Good Luck!

  12. Everyone who suffers with weight issues must read your blog for the ideal way of losing weight and I am among the one, who is having weight issues. I read many articles on your blog and I got information about your successful weight loss journey. I impressed by your weight loss journey and I really appreciate you for sharing your thoughts on weight loss.

  13. Awesome post, your insight kind of reminds me of The Power Of Now and being totally present. If we let ourselves be present here and now, then everything is perfect. Obviously a lot easier said than done though :)

  14. Be happy everyday. I use to be a no type of gal but since losing a little weight and meeting the man of my dreams i am now a yes kinda gal and my positivity has gone through the roof. I smile from dawn to dusk and i am so happy.

  15. Great insight, your post kind of reminds me of the 'The Power Of Now'; really accepting the moment and just being happy and content in the now :)

  16. You have to make it a huge point to embrace the fundamentals in your life. You are doing really well. Be proud of yourself. <3

  17. love love
    Glad to see you back. :-)

  18. Great post, you have really made me think a few things over. I just want to be happy, I really need to accept myself and I think my life will become much better :)

  19. Hi, I have been striving to get rid of fat a number of days now but im confused where or the way to commence. I've gained weight on account of becoming lazy and most of my close friends tease me about this. I like to consume but i also need to be physically match and healthy, I just desire to thank you for this publish. you just gave me suggestions on how to start my bodyweight reduction strategy.

    Emily Bandy
    Author of best foods to eat to lose weight website

  20. I think Joanne has put it perfectly. I really love this post and your way of positive thinking.

  21. I have been looking for this kind of weight loss success stories, I want to loss 50lbs of weight as early as possible. I think your weight lose journey helpful for me to reach my weight loss goal.

  22. Hello dear, I am impressed of your hard work. May this blog remain forever. I wish you keep writing such valuable posts. Thank you so much for sharing. Wish you the best of luck. Recently I updated my site:

  23. I joined your nice blog by clicking on Follower icon.

  24. How are you, Sean?

  25. Great read! I love your compassion and your insight. You can really make a difference in yourself. Just make sure not to let others affect you.

  26. This blog is such an inspiration. Keep up the journey. Please keep the faith in yourself.


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