Sunday, July 21, 2013

What Kind Of Freedom?

What Kind Of Freedom?

I believe we're on our way to an imaginary line, where suddenly we're not eating less and exercising more solely as a means to lose weight--we're doing it because it's what we do, it's how we live---and suddenly it becomes much less of a burden or deliberate action, it just IS.  And we discover that it doesn't take anything away from the richness of our lives--or the joy we experience, as our struggling thoughts might have convinced us--contrary, it enriches us, empowers us---breaks us free into a new perspective where we realize our greater truth, our truest reality about our relationship with food and exercise. Like coming out of a dense fog, we clearly see food for what it is, not what our old behaviors and habits tried to make it. Now, I look at the earlier, deliberate phase as practice for what's ahead--because I know the biggest obstacle to crossing this line and keeping this new perspective is our own thoughts, emotional and spiritual health. This, without question, is the most powerful element.  I've discovered, our thoughts and emotions can effectively render our breakthroughs powerless, pulling us backwards over the line, as if a gravitational pull exists between our old perspectives and the freedoms we've enjoyed in the new. At this place we find ourselves in a position where we know the truth, we've experienced the freedom--and we have to decide: Do we surrender?  Do we give back all of the power it had over us for years?  Do we walk back into our cell and close the door? Or do we stand up, declare our freedom and break free toward progress once again?  It's a powerful choice we have and our most definitive answer isn't in what we say, it's what we do. 

It's so much easier to give it all back. In that cell, we simply exist--surrounded by the same old behaviors and habits that have consistently given us our reality. It's easy because we don't have to think about anything--we just do whatever--despite the consequences. There's a freedom in that choice. It's the freedom from personal responsibility--freedom from caring---freedom from the uncertainties of positive change and a deliberate disconnect from the impending and most certain negative changes our inaction fosters.  That kind of freedom comes at a much greater cost. It costs us our health, it cuts short our life, it dramatically decreases the richness/fullness of our existence...and it's so easy to do, effortless to accept because it doesn't require us to change our actions or perspective.  Our quickest exit relies heavily on our self-awareness and honesty about what we're doing and why.  The positive effort we exert repays us exponentially in ways we haven't even realized until we're there; living, breathing and benefiting from our good choices.  The freedoms we enjoy from the consequences of our efforts far outweigh the freedoms of inaction.  

It honestly comes down to this: What kind of freedoms do we truly want?

Good Choices,


  1. The Imaginary Line... I like that.

    I believe that if we continue as long as it takes, that "imaginary line" will come for us all. The one where it goes from head knowledge down into heart knowledge; where, like you said, it just IS, because that is who we have become, inside, in our hearts.

    Until then, I need to make those good choices, and DO. :-D
    Love this post, Sean!

  2. This is exactly the battle I am in right now - fighting off the freedom of easy (read destructive) choices and yearning for the freedom that I know healthy habits will bring. Thank you for the insightful and inspiring words I always find here.

  3. I think fear is what pushes a person back in the cell. We have to let the fear go so the door stays open and there isn't a need to go back in. Good to read a post from you Sean.

  4. That cell is pretty comfortable for me because that is where I keep my favorite foods and reassurances. But it still means that I am trapped in hard-to-buy clothes, limited activity, impending health concerns and how many judgements that I never even know about.

    Let us all be brave enough to venture out of our cells long enough to realize that there are greater treasures out there.

  5. When you have an image of yourself as an overweight unfit person, and you've held that image for many years, it's hard to change that perspective. Sometimes the physical change happens before the psychological - but the longer we persist, the more likely that shift will happen. Thanks for a very helpful article.

  6. I agree Charlie, It can be very difficult to change ones own perspective.


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