Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20th, 2014 The Kids Menu

August 20th, 2014 The Kids Menu

My clothes are getting very baggy-loose. This is a very nice "problem" to experience. Two people in the last three days have commented on this, with one adding "time to buy some new clothes!" I may wait a little bit longer, opting instead to have a "baggy clothes period" instead of rushing out and buying more clothes I'll only be able to wear a month or two. My body is getting smaller everyday. I feel very healthy, very happy.

I had an unexpected trip to Oklahoma City come up this afternoon. I wasn't expecting this trip until tomorrow and tomorrow's trip was to be for a different reason. Now, tomorrow's trip for me has been cancelled (yay!). I found myself in Edmond, just North of Oklahoma City, looking for somewhere to grab dinner. I had bean and cheese tacos for lunch and believe it or not, I really preferred something different for dinner. When a fried chicken place was suggested by one of my traveling partners, and Chipotle by another, I quickly announced to the vehicle: "Chipotle, brilliant idea!"  I didn't necessarily want tacos two meals in a row but I also didn't want to navigate the menu of a Golden Chick fried chicken place. Chipotle was safe and familiar.

I ordered the Kids Taco Kit. Yes, I'm a grown man ordering from the kids menu! Look at the Tweet below and the calorie count and tell me that isn't enough! It was plenty and perfect. I passed on the beans, rice, cheese and sour cream. I chose two crispy chicken tacos, kids chips and their standard 3.5 ounce cup of fresh guacamole. Imagine the calorie count had I accepted the beans, rice, sour cream and cheese! It would have easily registered close to 1,000. I made it out with a slightly high, but doable 603 calorie investment.

My workout plans were scrapped this afternoon because of this trip and although I planned on getting it done upon my return, I'm just too tired. I'm taking a day off and opting to get in bed an hour and a half earlier than normal.

Making adjustments on the fly and being okay with these adjustments is critical to my success. I didn't allow negative thoughts to plague me after a day that didn't turn out like I had planned. It's okay. Tomorrow is a new day and I will have the opportunity to ride the elliptical and swim. This change of schedule today made one decision very easy: Dinner was my #lastfoodofday.

My food Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. You did well for your change in plans for sure! I don't adapt as well. Need to work on that!

    1. Before, I would often get very frustrated if things didn't work out the way I had planned--as if I had failed in some catastrophic way. Showing myself some compassion and honestly evaluating the difference between an excuse and a legitimate circumstance, is key for this kinder perspective to work. I opted for a nap yesterday afternoon before the drive--working out instead was an option, but it wasn't what I needed in that moment. The adjustments aren't the hard part--it's quieting the inner voice berating us for not living up to our own expectations. We are doing great. We are okay. Things come up-- and this is one day. We find a way and we adjust and we succeed!!

  2. A well-navigated day! Good for you for not beating yourself up about the exercise. Sleep is equally important. The day only has so many hours, and different things may need to take priority on different days.

    Hey, do you have any thrift store type places in your town or nearby towns? Some are better than others. You can sometimes find some pretty nice clothing, sometimes even new clothing. I've found it helpful as I'm losing weight to be able to get a few pieces of clothing that actually fit will and look decent without having to spend more than a few dollars. It's kind of a pick-me-up, too, to feel that your progress is becoming more visible and to see that smaller number on the clothing label.

    Kudos on the ongoing unveiling of your healthiest self!

    1. Thank you Becky! You're VERY right! I will check out the thrift stores. We have several within walking distance of our downtown studios. Appreciating your kudos!

  3. Think about that for a second; a full kid's meal at 1000 calories! I have 3 kids and I'm always at how much food get's brought to them at restauraunts. Of course they never eat it all because they haven't programmed their brains to keep eating after they are full, but dad always helps them out. That became my first promise to myself on this new start; I promised I would no longer eat any food off my kid's plates.

    I have the same problem with the clothes, but for a different reason. I've gained so much weight everything on me is super tight. I feel like a total slob, but I'm starting my new transformation on 9/1 so I hate to go out and spend a bunch of cash on some larger clothes only to have them too big in a few months.

    FogDog's Weight Loss - Starting Over (Again!)

    1. I did the same thing when my daughters were young. I routinely finished what they didn't, "hey, whoa, don't throw that away, let me see that!" I think that's a wonderful promise to make yourself. Resolving to stop doing this is a big thing.
      I had to buy a pair of jeans a few months ago for the reason you mention here--and I only had a chance to wear them twice...then gave them away to someone who really needed them. I'm excited for you, FD!! You're preparing for an incredible transformation. This is exciting!! Are you excited?

    2. Funny, not excited, more like scared. I think that's what's different this time. It's not the usual "get all jacked up" for a couple of weeks just because you saw an inspiring episode of Extreme Weight loss (or some other show) and then gradually slip back into failure mode over time.

      Instead it's more like when you've finally realized you absolutely can't put something off any longer, and then you have to admit to yourself that you are solely responsible for the situation you are in. As you can probably tell, I'm using these last couple weeks getting myself mentally prepared. The dieat and exercise piece are easy for me, it's my darn brain that always gets in my way! thanks for your support.

      FogDog's Weight Loss - Starting Over (Again!)

    3. FogDog-- I've been right where you are in this very moment--Totally relate, my friend. Have you gone back in the archives all the way to Day 1, September 15th 2008? If not--please do--reading from that perspective--when I was 505 pounds and in that position of, it's now or never-- might be of value to you. Let me know if you go back in the archives, FD--they're all back there waiting to be read again.
      I'm so happy for you because you're in a wonderful place where you're not allowing yourself to casually ignore what's happening--you're saying "enough!" And that's exciting. I understand scared, my friend. Just know--time is on your side--it's one day at a time..this isn't something you tackle all at once. Try your best to keep it simple that way you can keep your balance as you start. Wishing you the very best! And thank you for reading!

    4. I went through a good chunk of your first year and you were right, there's some similarities that I can definitely relate to. I thoroughly enjoyed your rant about chairs and even though I'm only at 350 I can relate.

      The post that resonated with me the most though, was the one where you talked about wanting to go skydiving and on go-carts. I struck a chord with me because of a recent experience; It's too much to put here in a blog comment so tonight I am going to talk about it in my blog and I'll link to your old post.

      Thanks for the support and I noticed you are now following my blog. I don't think my personal support structure is nearly as strong as yours so help from the community goes a long way for me.

      FogDog's Weight Loss - Starting Over (Again!)

  4. I am new to your blog and truly enjoy reading back. I am in my own journey and reading from others who are at different stages in their own journeys helps so muc

    1. Alati, thank you for reading and I'm so glad it's helping you! Welcome to the DDWL! It does help to read perspectives from so many different people along this road. We're not alone, Alati!

  5. When forced I can usually find something at a Fast Food place too. For instance, a Whopper Junior from BK, without mayo is only 230 calories. McDonald's has salads. It's possible! Yesterday I met ladies I used to work with at a pizza place. I was worried. But they had a nice salad/soup bar. I had green salad, added carrots, cucumber slices and asked for a lite vinaigrette, there was no lite dressing on the salad bar. Then I had a small cup of minestrone soup. There was pasta in the soup, so I tried to pick out mostly veggies and broth as I spooned mine up out of the tureen. I must have done okay, the scale is down another pound today!

    1. I agree Dupster--I can usually come up with something if I hadn't another choice. I try not to put myself in those positions but it is nice to know that if I do get in one, I'm confident I'll be okay.
      Great job at the pizza place with your coworkers!

  6. I usually avoid all fast-food places because I really have a hard time trusting what's actually in the food. It's great that you already knew the menu ! I'll keep your tip about the kids' menu in mind on my next road trip.

    1. I totally get that, Nikki! I'm fairly particular about where and i replied to dupster above--if I am in a less than desirable situation, I feel like I can navigate even if it requires stripping down certain items, for example: "No bread, no mayo--meat and veggies only" type thing... But typically I do everything in my power to NOT be in those situations.
      With Chipotle, I'm confident about their ingredients--as much as one can be. They're all about using only the freshest ingredients... their guac, for instance has minimal ingredients--just avocado, minced jalapenos, diced red onion, lime and spices. And I love it! They don't even add a little sour cream like me. It's certainly all about the place and the quality of their ingredients. I've noticed the more wholesome the ingredients--the greater the calorie value. A great example of this is in the fast food Mexican category: Compare Taco Bell items VS. like items from Taco Bueno. You'll find the same items from Bueno have more calories. Bueno also makes everything from scratch using fresh ingredients--Taco Bell doesn't. Big difference in calories!!
      The kids menu isn't the best option everywhere--but for me at Chipotle--it works beautifully.

  7. Thankfully I can relate the baggy loose clothes problem. Thankful I always believed I would get this weight off one day and decided to save all my good clothes all the way back from my early 20's LOL! all the way back to 1x, the brief time I was at 260 back in my late 20's. So I have a few 1x a pair of size 36 pants, two pair each 40-44, 4 pair at 46 & 6-6-6 pair of jeans at shorts at 48-50 and 52. Also a large assortment of 2x shirts and jackets, greater assortment of 3x which I am wearing now and already good willed all my largest assortment of 4X & 5X. Sounds crazy don't it? Turned out to be a good decision as I have not had to buy one single article of clothing during this weight loss & don't mind wearing outdated clothes in the process. So it took me almost four decades to figure out how to loose weight and enjoy wearing these clothes for the last time before tossing them for good. I did keep my largest pair of pants and shirt for photo shoot one day and this special belt I probably will never throw away. I bought this heavy duty all leather belt in Mexico at one of my heaviest weights, probably will last forever. I keep drilling new holes in it every other month. Since August of 2013 when I drilled a hole on the very end, I drilled three new holes, tightened up 9 notches, 8 notches since Dec of 2013. The distance between the first notch and 10th notch is 10 inches at this time. This belt I call the leap of faith belt is a constant reminder of my success, where I once was and perhaps the coolest thing I own.

    Congratulations on mastering the art of changing your plans on the go. I know you have not mastered it yet, it's probably a everlasting process. Your doing great each every time it becomes a issue and that's very impressive!

    1. That distance between the 1st and 10th notch is actually 11 & 3/8 inches. :)

    2. It's as if you knew you wold wear them again someday, Jon!! Love it. And the belt--oh wow. That's cool. 11 3/8 inches... That's a lot. I was thinking about you today, Jon--and so happy you're having tremendous success. It's so refreshing to hear how you're doing.
      Yeah-- I wouldn't say "mastered" but certainly giving it my best, always. I feel fantastic!


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