Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21st, 2014 Simply Noticing Things

August 21st, 2014 Simply Noticing Things

I've been skipping my morning meditation time too much of late. I did do it this morning and it absolutely made a positive difference. I don't do a specific practice or type of meditation, although I'm sure it has a name. I simply close my eyes and go back to sleep. I'm kidding. I close my eyes, inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth and I envision how I would like the day to unfold. I also acknowledge and give thanks for the blessings I've received. I try to stay in this positive mental state for at least five minutes, preferably ten. I rarely mention this for a couple of reasons. It's my personal spiritual prayer/meditation time and I keep these things fairly private and also because I'm wildly inconsistent in the practice. I mention it tonight because I did notice a marked difference in the quality of my day because of this five minute practice.

The more I thought about the difference it made, the more I thought about how many times I've resisted doing something consistently that I knew would help me feel better. Exercise is a big one. The positive emotional and mental benefits of exercise are solid and proven. Nobody argues about it--it's fact: When we workout we end up feeling better. Yet, I know I could do more and I'm capable of a more intense workout. Drinking more water is enormously beneficial, but I sometimes struggle to hit the minimum I should be drinking. Water helps everything, the metabolism is just the beginning--it has a positive effect on our entire body on all levels, from digestion to a very deep cellular level and still, I resist, not giving it the importance level it deserves. I don't mention these things as a way to beat up on myself or to be overly critical of what I'm doing, I'm simply noticing things. The quick meditation time today helped. Why wouldn't I do it every single day if it makes this much of a positive impact? 

I had a lunch meeting today that was much shorter than expected. It's a monthly meeting where everyone is encouraged to bring their lunch. I brought mine prepared on a real plate, using a real fork. This gets some looks sometimes. I just enjoy making it special. I'm not opposed to occasionally using paper plates, but when I can, I like to use things I have to wash afterward. I don't know--I guess it adds some kind of extra something to what I'm doing. Or maybe I'm just weird...which I'm okay with that, it's a good thing! ;)

I roasted a turkey breast all afternoon and prepared homemade baked sweet potato fries for a dinner I was eating shortly after 6pm! This is a big deal. I'm the guy who sometimes eats dinner after 9pm, or dare I admit, even later (ouch--truth..) This was one of the things I meditated about this morning. I don't want to continue eating big meals super late for obvious reasons.

I enjoyed a fabulous swim followed by the elliptical--workout this evening. It was solid. Could I do more or something more intense? Yes, honestly--yes. For me, today--it was perfect. The challenge will be to add more intense elements to my workout routine along the way. It's an important consideration because the body adapts and gets accustomed to repetition quickly!  

My food Tweets today:

Good food day!!

In the spirit of Throwback Thursday or as the hip crowd calls it #tbt--I decided to share the YouTube videos of my very first speaking event about this journey. It was February 19th, 2009 (over 5 years ago!!!) in the cafeteria of our local hospital. I was the featured speaker for the kickoff of the "Lose To Win" weight loss challenge program. I was only 5 months into my initial weight loss. I would have to watch it again or dig into this blog's archives to remember how much I had lost by the night of this talk but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around 120-130 pounds. It was a fun night. It takes some time to watch all four--almost 40 minutes. I watched some. Great memories.

Thank you for reading and watching! Your continued support is cherished,


  1. ! :D I listened to all 5 parts of the video. You wee great! Realy,yo were. I loved it. Thank yo for sharing that.


    1. Awe, Deb, thank you! You're very welcome. It was fun for me to go back and watch a little of it, very nostalgic for me!

  2. You really are an amazing guy Sean! Thanks for being such a good role model

    1. Josh, my friend, I think being where both of us have been naturally instills a very genuine compassion for people, especially those facing the same challenges we've experienced. I sincerely appreciate your thanks--and you're very welcome--I'm trying my best. Hope your knee gets better quickly! You're often in my thoughts. Take care of you!

  3. Boy I don't read for a few days and I come back to all kinds of great news :) I too am a morning meditator and when I get away from it I do feel less together so I definitely understand. I also realize morning workouts help me sleep and feel better too :) and I see you're in love :) I'm so very happy for you Sean, you so deserve love and happiness as you're a super guy :) all my best to you and heather :)

    1. Yes, Dawn!!! OMGoodness... so many good things have happened recently. So many blessings!! Thank you for your well wishes and incredible support over the years!!
      The morning meditation time is something that takes little time and often has a BIG impact. I must continue making it a priority each and every morning. You said it perfectly-- "when I get away from it I do feel less together," indeed. Totally get that.

  4. These videos were spot on for me. They made me laugh so hard and then cry. I was back and forth with my emotions. It was very very inspirational for me! Thanks so much for sharing. ~ Kerri

    1. Kerri, you watched these closely--thank you for your words here. It was the same roller coaster of emotions in the room that night and I inside me, I was on the same ride right along with you. Still am, you know what I mean?

  5. I can certainly tell that you`ve done stand up comedy. You`re a wonderfully smooth presenter. I`m telling you - Sean and Heather You Tube series is going to be big.

    I love that your successful journey started out with ultimate love for your children. Love.

    1. Divad--thank you!! My stand-up experience and skills really help me when I speak about this journey and experience. I'm so glad you enjoyed the presentation!
      Yes--my daughters, I love them in such a powerful way--and now, 5 years after that night, I feel the same incredible love for my grandson Noah. That little guy doesn't know it yet, but he's got a grandfather, friend and mentor for as long as I live!
      The YouTube series is a very interesting idea. Heather and I will likely discuss how that might work sometime over the weekend. Sounds fun!

  6. Thanks for the nice comment you left me yesterday. I'm struggling, but working my way back and I'll get there. Like you, I have problems with consistency too. Always have, but it is something that I strive for and think will help me the most along this journey. I watched the videos and you're great. So did the man with the awesome physique ever read your blog or offer up any advice? Hope you have a super weekend!

    1. I actually became friends with him. His name is Mark. He took some valuable time consulting me and designing a good weight training schedule--and I never applied it consistently--and of course weight training without consistency is futile effort! He's always been wonderfully supportive. He's even the web designer behind, actually! Great guy!
      LTR-- Thank you for the compliment. I know you're struggling right now--but as I said in my comment yesterday, you're aware and you're learning about you. Please be compassionate and kind to you. You'll get this, my friend. Remember--it's not perfection we need. It's consistency--and sometimes that might simply mean consistently being aware of where we are and what you're doing--without judgement, without negative self-talk--just an understanding that adjustments might be in order. Adjustments-not judgements!! I like that. Never give up, LTR. You're important--believe that, because it's true.

    2. Oh and, you're welcome on the comment! I've had a tough time this week keeping up with all of the blogs I like to read and support. I'm going to do my best to make some rounds and get up to date soon! You have a great weekend too! And I sincerely appreciate your support!

  7. These videos were just what I needed to see today. I am a few days in, but feel really great. I needed a reminder of why it's so important to take care of ourselves. I have been so used to putting everybody else in front of me, but if I don't take care of myself, I can't be good for anybody else. I'm a mother of two, married.

    1. I'm so glad you made time for yourself to watch. And I'm happy you enjoyed them. You nailed it, A. It's a mark of an incredibly loving parent and wife to put loved ones first. In my opinion, the challenge is to shift that perspective around some... because taking good care of you doesn't have to take away from the love and attention you give your family. It really doesn't. Sure, there may be a little more "you time," if you can manage, for exercise. But ultimately I think you'll find the idea that it must drastically change the family dynamic isn't as big a change as you possibly fear. And when the changes are good and positive--it can actually enhance things. Ultimately, you were spot on--if you don't take care of you it dramatically and negatively affects how you can take care of them. I wish you nothing but the best as you embark on what I sincerely hope is a most wonderful experience.

  8. Ugh, for the third or fourth time I just lost a long comment by hitting "publish" before changing "Google account" to "name." Drat! Okay, in a nutshell...

    Yes, why are we not more consistent with things that make us feel good?

    Thanks for the videos, you look and sound great and your comedic timing is spot on!!

    You look great in this video, even if you hadn't lost all your weight yet!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm so glad you posted those videos, Sean -- I usually don't have time to watch, but I'm doing laundry tonight in preparation for the beach trip my husband and I are about to head off on (it's an annual pilgrimage/reconnection-fest; I am so tickled! We always have a great time) and I needed to stay awake so... Sean's You Tube it was!

    You are an excellent live speaker, not just over the radio, and hearing you from way back when is awesome. Yes, you had further to go, but you *had* it, and looking at that and reading your writing now, you've definitely got it again :) Which I kind of suspect you knew, but I just figured I'd let you know it positively radiates from you once more.

    Way to go :D
    [edited to remove excessive redundancy... there's likely more, but we're edging up on midnight in my timezone so I give!]


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