Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27th, 2014 No BP Meds

August 27th, 2014 No BP Meds

I completely forgot about my six month checkup doctors appointment last week. I missed it bigger than Dallas. The office staff at my doctor's office have had a front row seat for this "comeback" of sorts and they're always thrilled for me at each weigh-in, so my rescheduling was peppered with multiple apologies. I felt horrible for the miss for obvious reasons and also because I know my doctor seems to block out thirty minutes for an important appointment like this checkup. Dr. Wilcox is easily the best primary care physician I've ever known. He asks good questions then spends an enormous amount of time listening and typing notes on his laptop. My rescheduled appointment was this morning at 10:45am.

My doctor was impressed. I've officially been taken off blood pressure medicine! What a difference 69 pounds makes.  I insisted on skipping the standard weigh in today, explaining to the nurse how my weigh day would be next Wednesday instead.

I took a vacation day from radio so I could tend to some important book related business in Tulsa. I'll not share the details of the private meeting, but suffice to say that my previous partnership came to a mutually rewarding conclusion complete with hugs and plenty of well wishes! I've already started some foundation/outlining work on book number two and I will commit to a dedicated writing schedule very soon. It'll likely only be a session or two a week, but it will be concrete--at a time that's not typically threatened by a sometimes busy schedule. I'm incredibly excited for the next chapter, so to speak!

Getting to bed earlier this evening.

My food Tweets:

Thank you for reading,


  1. Amazing accomplishment to go off meds. Very happy for you.

  2. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!! A post before 10 P.M. :D

    (I just hope you're asleep and not sitting in front of your computer reading this.)


    1. Yes indeed, Deb! It was a fantastic change. I feel incredible this morning. Appreciate your straight forwardness.

  3. Woohoo on the meds. I used to be on five different BP meds. None now and my BP is normal. That pizza looks yummy!!

    1. Wow, Dupster!!! 5 different meds?? NONE now!! That's amazing. The pizza was really good!

  4. That's awesome about your meds!

  5. That is just awesome news! Yay for off the meds.

    1. It was a surprise! I thought he might reduce my dose--but I didn't think I was ready to stop entirely!

  6. Great news about no more blood pressure meds! Did you make that pizza from scratch or was it a frozen purchased? Or were you eating out? If you purchased I'd like to know the brand. It sure looks good. Hope that next book contains your food pictures with cal counts Sean. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Nancy, the pizza is from a restaurant. The Hideaway is an Oklahoma based pizza chain that started in my hometown of Stillwater. The thin-gluten free crust tastes wonderful--the sauce is sugar free. Using only veggies and cheese, the biggest calorie cost is the cheese.
      I've given a lot of thought to book 2 lately. I think book 3--which could be easily put together and released not too far after the 2nd will be the one with food and calorie counts! I have high hopes and ambitions! :) Thank you for reading, Nancy!

  7. That's one of my first goals... to get off BP meds. Great for you!

    I hope you'll consider adding me to your blogroll.

    1. You can do it, FogDog!! I've proudly included your blog on my sidebar blogroll! Nice blog, FD!

  8. Good for you! Another confirmation you're headed in the right direction :)

  9. Congrats!!! I'm on 1/3 of the dose I used to be...I still hold out hope I'll get off it entirely, but 63 post menopause with everyone on both sides of my family dying from heart disease...maybe not. But I'll take 1/3 dose any day over being uncontrolled on 1 plus meds a day! YAY YOU!

    1. Gwen, it looks and sounds as if you'll definitely be the exception to the rule within your family. You're exceptional. Yes indeed--1/3 a dose is a big difference!! I bet you do eventually get off even the low dose! Thank you!

  10. Wow Sean, that is great! I hope I can get off these bp meds someday too. You're doing an awesome job at getting healthier. I think about you sometimes when I go swimming :)

    1. Oh Lyn, thank you. I bet you do get off them someday. I feel amazing, Lyn--truly night and day different these days.
      Thank you for thinking of me!

  11. Congratulations Sean! You are doing so well and such a great example. Now, I wish I could figure out why I am not following suit. Struggling a bit, but will find my way soon. Have a super Friday!

    1. Thank you LTR! I try--I really do. Never perfect!! But perfect isn't the goal--consistency is the goal! You will absolutely find your way, my friend. You have an awesome Friday too! I get to sleep in--we're all off tomorrow!


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