Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28th, 2014 Making The Best from A Bad Menu

August 28th, 2014 Making The Best from A Bad Menu

Today just wouldn't stop! I have the day off tomorrow and typically, the previous day is spent preparing for the planned absence. I didn't leave work until 6:45pm. I was able to take some time midday and ship all outstanding orders from my website store

Several delays kept orders from being shipped immediately and let me tell you, I do not like having outstanding orders! It felt wonderful to watch the post office take them away today! If you've been waiting on a shipment from me, purchased or won, it's on the way! For your patience, I've included a bonus item in each package, enjoy! If you're interested in ordering a personalized signed paperback copy of Transformation Road, the seven disc CD audio book with bonus MP3 disc or one of my "I'm Choosing Change" adjustable leather bracelets, simply click the link above and I'll ship the items to you anywhere in the world!

I finally met with a local wine bar owner down the street from our studios. We've schedule what I hope to be the first of many comedy nights for Wednesday October 22nd, one day before my birthday! I'm thrilled about this opportunity to work out new material that doesn't seem to stop coming.

It was a busy day at the studio but it didn't stop me from pausing long enough to eat well throughout the day. I typically plan my breakfasts and lunches really well and then leave my dinner up to whatever I can create from what I have on hand or, if inspired, I'll run to the store and pick up the needed ingredients. Tonight wasn't one of those nights.

I didn't plan on my workday running into my evening. My original plan was to get to the YMCA for the elliptical and swimming before my evening plans to be the designated driver for a friend. Instead, my workday left me without separation between work and my evening--and this created an interesting situation.

I found myself without a plan, stuck at a place with a horrible menu. I had a choice, either wait until much later to eat at home or navigate the selections in front of me. Since it was already almost 9pm when I came to this conclusion, I decided to make the best of their menu.  The menu was full of deep fried things, burgers and giant sandwiches, french fries and onion rings. I noticed a breakfast menu too. I asked, "Is your breakfast menu available?" Yes, it was. "Can I order a customized omelet?" Yes, I could. Perfect!

I ordered a three egg omelet with grilled peppers and onions they normally use for the Philly sandwich, plus tomatoes and a side of beef chili. The chili was questionable, so I asked for a nutrition guide. They didn't have one. I asked if the container the chili comes in had a nutrition label. The nice employee said he didn't think so because it came in a large bag made for boiling. I asked him to check anyway and he did. Within a minute I had the calorie count and serving size. He peeled the sticker right off the box holding these boil N bags of beef chili. I also confirmed it was free of sugar. A veggie omelet with peppers, onions and tomatoes and a serving of chili wasn't exactly what I wanted for dinner, but considering the circumstances and the horrid choices, it was the best way to navigate this one.

My backup exercise plan was to walk a 5K at the trail immediately after this crazy night concluded. And that was a wonderful plan except, when we exited the building it was pouring rain. Instead of going straight to the trail, I ran into the grocery store for a few items. By the time I came out it had stopped raining enough for me to get to the trail. I was still tired, so I knew it wasn't going to be a 5K. I made it two times around for a total of  1.7 miles. It was something, at least.

There will occasionally be days like this. Thank goodness they're few and far between. The important thing to me is, I didn't sacrifice the integrity of my calorie budget, even when doing so seemed like the only option. I made other options!

My food Tweets:

Thank you for reading and for your support,


  1. Great job on the menu misery Sean, and how awesome about the stand-up gigs! I'm a major comedy nerd (my husband and I go to the comedy club when we hit the beach -- it's mandatory), so that just tickles me :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Amanda! The comedy is something that is in me--and I must have an outlet for expressing! I hope to video the showcase and when I do, I'll share it here. ;) have a great weekend too!

  2. Chili comes in a bag to boil? Only in America, my friend. That's disgusting! Thank God for breakfast menus. I don't think you would have enjoyed a thing on that menu. Deep fried feels awful in the tummy after being free so long. Congrats on the upcoming gig.

    1. Divad--I know, right?? I agree--if not for the breakfast menu--I would have been without much to work with. Yeah--agreed--deep fried anything doesn't sit well, ever!!

  3. Sean, well handled. I am a vegetarian and have found that often places can make some menu adjustments if you ask. I probably would have gone with an omelet too. (I am not a vegan, still eat eggs and cheese) Congratulations on the upcoming comedy gig!


    1. Thank you Dede! I had to push a little--I could tell this place wasn't accustomed to anyone caring about their ingredients or nutrition information...But when I made it very clear that this was important to me--and I did in an overly polite way--they employee went above and beyond for me. He could have simply said, "I'm sorry, we don't have that information available," instead he tracked it down! I don't think I've ever looked forward to a comedy gig this much--even the big ones in my past--as I do this one... I think because its intent is totally pure--I just want an outlet--- I don't want money, or fame--or even uproarious laughter and audience approval--I just want to "exercise" that part of me that I've kept stagnant too long!

  4. You did good! Some days are tougher than others. I like how you asked them to check the chili bag for calorie content. Most chain restaurants I believe are required to have that info available, but the little locally owned places rarely do. Sure wish every place was required to post the nutritional info.

    1. Dupster-- Yeah, this was a stand alone place--and even when all of the regulations of the healthcare bill go into effect--and chains with more than 50 locations are required to post calorie and nutrition info on menus--it will still exempt places like this. The research and analysis to accurately provide that information must cost a bunch of money!! Thank you!!

  5. You made extra effort to be as informed as possible, then made a mindful choice. We are all human, and perfection is unattainable. (meaning, perfection every single day, every single choice.)

    Me, I can't wait for (SF) (yeah, I know that's 'bad') Starbuck's Salted Caramel Mochas to return. Which is veddy veddy soon. A once every week or two treat! :)

    1. Mmmmm... did you say salted caramel mochas?? Do they have sugar free 'skinny" versions?? Please say yes!!! that sounds amazing! Yeah-- I don't spend nearly 5 bucks for a drink--nor do I invest calories in drinks in a casual way...It's definitely a treat for me! i sometimes will get a straight coffee from there--and at just over two bucks--it's a little more reasonable. :) Thank you for the compliment... I felt really good about how I handled the situation. I was truly taking care of the mental/emotional side of this journey while making the choices I did last night. I wanted to hit the pillow feeling good about the choices I made--I wanted that peace of mind--and I took it and did it, despite the circumstances. It certainly wasn't perfect--but as you said, perfection isn't the pursuit. Good thing--because if it was, we would constantly be disappointed!

  6. Fantastic handling of the situation. Don't know that I would have been able to think that far - - but I will after this. Your information is so educational for me Sean! Before this I never wanted to make waves - for ANYONE - including a waiter. I will after this. My life has improved. Again thank you!

    1. Nancy, Thank you! Your comment has me smiling from ear to ear because I'm so happy my experience shifted your perspective!
      I truly believe people naturally want to help one another. When asking someone for this kind of assistance, It's all in the approach. Politely and gently expressing a genuine concern about the ingredients and calories in something sent this guy into action mode. He wanted to help me. He could tell I wasn't trying to make his job harder--I was simply trying my best to stay within my food plan--he immediately realized how important this was to me and so he made it important to him to help. Had I approached this with a scowl on my face and an attitude, he likely wouldn't have given a fraction of the effort.
      When he returned with the nutrition label, I thanked him sincerely--after eating, I thanked him again. I felt good in at least knowing how many calories I was consuming--and that it was indeed sugar free--and he felt good too, because he successfully helped someone. It was a win-win! You're very welcome, Nancy!

  7. Great job making the best of the situation. I remember one time when I was a strict vegetarian in my little town I ended up in a similar situation: nothing but typical bar fare, and I was starving. I ended up getting a "salad" that was made up of garnishes (lettuce that they put hot wings on, celery for bloody marys, parsley, kale, and a lemon wedge). Definitely not my favorite meal.

    1. Thank you! Great story!! Last night wasn't my favorite meal either--not even close. But it was something and it kept me from eating at 11pm! When breaking the bank or sacrificing the integrity of my abstinence from sugar are not considered options, we navigate and do what we need to do to get what we need.

  8. Great choices Sean! Though I think when I found out the chili was something they boiled in a bag I would have stuck with the omelette! Urg. You are so inspirational in the way you navigate difficult situations.

    1. Thank you Natalie! I wouldn't touch that chili again at all, ever!! I didn't want to eat much later and I wasn't going to sacrifice my resolve and plan to circumstances--I had to make do with what was available... But oh, that chili...yucky stuff!!

  9. Bleurg, that's some nasty looking chili. I could make a better batch in my sleep. Brave of you for eating it Sean!

    Also nice that you are setting up comedy nights. Although your town sounds like it's on the smaller side, it's great you're involved in adding activity to the arts-scene.

    1. I have a new chili policy: Only homemade from here on out! It was horrible, actually. I took two things fro it--the calories and the no sugar. It made me feel sick. Easily the most "unclean" thing I've consumed in a very long time!
      I'm excited about the comedy nights. It will be very fun!

  10. I always take away some thing from your posts. The eaching moment this time is never be afraid to ask. It sure can make a big difference. I'm glad to hear about your comedy nights. Wish you the best of luck!


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