Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31st, 2014 No Restaurant Day

August 31st, 2014 No Restaurant Day

I slept well this morning and felt rested enough to skip taking a nap mid-afternoon. It's almost 11pm and I'm yawning but okay. I'm sleeping good quality sleep these days. I'm usually not getting enough sleep time, but the sleep I am getting is quality. This is good news. It is because I've gone from what seemed like severe sleep apnea to feeling tired for the right reasons, you know--because I'm not getting enough sleep.

I feel like I've been eating out way too often. I would need to go back and review the twitter feed, but I think I had a streak of three or four lunches and dinners out in a row.  I've made what I feel to be the best choices possible (except for chili Thursday night) but still, I wonder if I'm getting too much sodium. Today I decided on a no-restaurant day. I took extra care and attention at every turn today. I feel really good about the meals.

I had a great workout at the YMCA, came home and enjoyed an amazing lunch, then made the trip back to the music festival to do the outro-announcements following Big SMO. Google him if you like, he's very talented!  I wasn't scheduled for this, it was a last minute fill in for an injured colleague.

I made the trip to see Heather tonight. She prepared some amazing shredded chicken soft corn tacos. It was perfect and it helped me complete my no restaurant day!

My food Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your support,


  1. Love your food - and i love it when people (especially guys) can cook good food.

    1. Anne, Thank you!! I try to make it simple and delicious!

  2. Hope you are enjoying the Holiday Sean! Good for you correcting the "eating out" too much. Seems we cannot afford to do that.

    1. I've had a wonderful Labor Day! Had a location broadcast this evening--but in all, it was a fantastic day. I hope you had a good one too! Yeah-- eating out too much can become a real problem. I like to eat out, don't get me wrong--I simply prefer preparing my food hands on--that way I know exactly what's in it! I'm not too worried about my choices in these situations--I feel pretty good about them, it's the added sodium I'm concerned about.

    2. Not to mention the cost!! It's expensive!!

  3. I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your day-to-day consistency, Sean. I know you say it is for you, but I'm sure that there are some days where it's hard to do the tweets and blog posts, and I just want you to know how much of an impact it has. It's a constant reminder to me of the power of good choices and keeping things simple. As someone who tends to let my analytical side derail me and make things to complicated (Should I do Paleo? Should I do a fast? Should I give up grains and dairy? so much head noise!), you are a quiet but powerful reminder, like a voice in my head... "Keep it simple, Becky. Just try to make good choices." Thank you.

    1. Becky, you're very welcome. I'm glad following my trek helps you in that way!! It really is about keeping it simple. There's a number of ways to lose weight and I think most of us can agree, as long as it's something we're prepared to do for the rest of our lives, it's all good. The way I'm eating today should be the way I'll be eating in five years, ten years and so on. If it is, and I pray it is, then I'll be fine. I don't ever plan on jumping aboard the sugar "crazy train" again. That's a big one for me. Becky, your support has been nothing short of a blessing to me. Thank you.

  4. Love the food shares and food pictures. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.

    1. LTT, absolutely! Thank you for reading!! It's an absolute pleasure to share my food tweets. I've been very pleased with what this "extreme accountability" measure has given me. For it to somehow help someone else along this road is a wonderful bonus! I'm very grateful.

  5. Good plan to try and cut down on restaurant meals. Sometimes it seems unavoidable, but it's so nice to know exactly what you are putting in your mouth. When I travel to the US, I am always amazed how full the restaurants are. I think US culture eats out far more than Canadian, but it's likely cheaper to eat out in the US. I try to keep it a real treat - both for diet purposes and budget purposes.

    1. Divad, I think I would benefit greatly by adopting your personal rule in keeping it a treat. The benefits of this: Better health and more money in our pockets. :) It is inevitable--restaurants happen, occasions come up--but I have a choice to keep it at a minimum. Thank you for sharing this!

  6. Sean, did you ever find no salt, no sugar peanut butter?

    1. I haven't yet! Last time I bought a jar it was the same kind, all-natural and sugar free--two ingredients: Peanuts and salt.
      I know the single ingredient kind is out there--I just have to look!
      This sugar free peanut butter has proven to be something I can keep around my place. I wasn't sure I could handle it, even sugar free--but clearly I'm okay with it being around. I'm not compelled to attack it with a spoon, like I always did the sugared stuff.

    2. I use Smucker's Organic Creamy. It has only peanuts and 1% or less of salt. I prefer to get the fresh ground from Whole Foods, but it is over an hour away and I don't go to Tulsa often enough. The fresh ground at Whole Foods is one ingredient only...Peanuts! I had just purchased a jar of Smucker's a week ago, or I would have gotten some fresh ground over the weekend when I was at Whole Foods. I did get a bit of fresh ground cashew butter for a recipe. We can try that this coming weekend!

  7. I so agree with the post above how your posts help keep me on track and motivated. Btw, I'm jealous of your omelet cooking skills! I can never get them right :(


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