Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1st, 2014 Why Do I Hold Back?

September 1st, 2014 Why Do I Hold Back?

I enjoyed some time with Heather last night. I'm really enjoying the like mindedness we share. She's very supportive of what I do and that's critically important. I'm supportive of what she does too. We've taken a cue from a few wonderful readers of this blog and we've decided to start a YouTube channel together. Our first video will be produced over the upcoming weekend. Living apart by sixty miles, our time together is often short, but we're making the most of the time we do enjoy. We both lead busy lives and that's good. It keeps us moving at a reasonable pace. We've talked about this YouTube venture and I'll tell you, we're both excited! We already have some good ideas! It'll be big fun!

There was some internet connectivity issues last night at Heather's house, so rather than postponing last night's blog, Heather had the brilliant idea of taking her laptop to Starbucks for the free wi-fi. Starbucks was closed, but their internet signal wasn't! She and I sat on the patio of a closed Starbucks, her on an iPad, me on her laptop, as I composed last night's edition. I enjoyed it immensely.

We decided to do a three mile walk today. My goal was to keep pace with her. Keep in mind, she's a certified fitness instructor, I'm not. I did it though--I totally kept pace with her. I did slide back a little a few times, but by the end, I clearly had an incredible workout. She was briskly walking, not running. It was a challenge for sure. It made me realize how relaxed I keep my workouts most of the time. I'm capable of more and this brisk 3 miles today was proof. Why do I hold back?

I discussed this "holding back" dynamic with Heather after our walk. I believe it goes back to when I first started losing weight. At 505 pounds, I was seriously afraid of exerting too much for fear of dropping over with a heart attack. I remember my first time on the walking trail September 15th, 2008--it was less than a 1/4 mile, much less--and still, I was frightened I might be pushing too hard. I do get some good workouts these days, but I think I tend to subconsciously limit myself because of this old fear that no longer applies. Also, I think about my half-brother Danny, whom I never had a chance to meet. He passed suddenly, of aortic dissection, at 42 years old. I'm 42 years old. Aortic dissection is the same thing that claimed the life of TV's beloved John Ritter. It's rare and typically caused by prolonged high blood pressure.

My half-brother's tragic fate is always in the back of my mind and even though my doctor has checked me over in every way and I'm perfectly fine, it still bothers me. My doctor even took me off the blood pressure medicine--so, I'm seriously free to push myself a little harder and be okay. 

I traveled back home after a wonderful stay and immediately started getting ready for a Labor Day location broadcast. I had just enough time to prepare a good lunch. I wasn't sure what I wanted, so I tried to create something new and good. Taco Shell Nachos was fast, filling and delicious, and it was something slightly different than my usual fare (see Tweet below).

I'm seriously behind in catching up with many of my fellow blogging friends. I highly recommend perusing the blog roll on the left hand side of your screen and checking out some of the wonderful people who do this too, all the time. We have a very supportive community around these parts of the internet!

As always, I do my best to reply to each and every comment left on this blog. If you have a question, click the comments below and ask away! I sincerely appreciate your continued readership and support.

Life Coach Gerri and I will present a free teleconference support call tomorrow night. This is in advance of our next series of session calls. If you've thought about joining our weekly weight loss support group, but need some additional information, this is the free opportunity to find out exactly what it's all about! Unfortunately, it's only available in the U.S. and Canada at this time. This free teleconference event is scheduled for 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern, 6pm Mountain and 5pm Pacific. Space is limited, so don't wait!  Register now by clicking this link: 

My food Tweets today:

Thank you for your readership and continued support,


  1. Sean,

    Looking forward to seeing what you and Heather come up with on You Tube! What a great combination you two are!


    1. Dede, thank you! It'll be fun, for sure! We do seem to compliment one another rather well! It's really refreshing. Heather is an amazing woman. I'm a lucky guy!

  2. I'm sure the reason a lot of people hire fitness professionals to help them is because they do not push themselves hard enough on their own. It's not easy to do because our natural response is to shield ourselves from anything that might hurt. Another reason to be grateful you have a fitness professional girlfriend who can give you free advice!

    1. I totally agree about it being a natural response, Helen. I try not to lean on her too much for advice--but I absolutely soak it up when she offers. I'm very grateful! The two of us gel together phenomenally well. And she doesn't push me in any way, shape or form--she might suggest something or a couple of somethings--but she mainly leads by example. I'm very fortunate to have her in my life.

  3. Ditto what Helen said. I know I am always afraid of falling and/or twisting my ankle. Those are things that have happened frequently in the past (not from exercising, just from walking as part of life), and the pain/humiliation really stayed with me. Just another hurdle I need to jump to get where I want to be.

    1. Yes, Connie-- it is common among us, I would imagine. The fear of injury is a big one. I'm right there with you, Connie--doing my best to jump hurdles too! Thank you, Connie!

  4. I don't know why but every time I decide to get schedule going I don't give it my all. I mean like leave it all out there, nothing left. For me, its something mental. I want to do it, I can do it, I need to do it...but why.hold back? Good post. Thanks....and happy about the you tube channel!

    1. Thank you for sharing this, A! It is mental, isn't it? I think maybe, we hold back because it's uncharted waters--and perhaps we don't realize we're capable of more. I think we must take a leap--trust we'll be okay--and listen to our bodies closely---if something is too much, we can back off... I truly believe we'll push a little further, a little harder-- and we'll discover levels we couldn't previously imagine. You're welcome! :) I'm excited about the new YouTube channel!! I can't wait to get it started!!

  5. I'm telling ya, this You Tube thing is going to be big. My kids and their friends spend all of their free time watching the You Tubers...Zoe and Alfie, Jesse and Jeana. These couples are now famous. Not that fame is your motivation, but I think your audience will be larger and therefore you can help more people. would be fun to be famous too.

    1. Divad, thank you for this! I certainly don't know about the "famous" part--but it is exciting to think our positive messages could reach a larger audience. Regardless of how it unfolds--i know it'll be a blast!! I'm super excited about this project and Heather has expressed to me the same excitement! Divad--your support is VERY appreciated, thank you!!

  6. A YouTube channel sounds like a lot of fun I look forward to watching it :) when I was looking at you gluten free pasta I thought of my new favorite food, zucchini pasta which I know we both struggle with eating our veggies sometimes :) you should get yourself a julienne peeler and give it a try I bet you will be pleasantly surprised like I was. You just peel a medium to large zucchini down to the seeds into a bowl cover and nuke for 3 mins (no water needed) and put your sauce on and there you have it :) I hope you will give it a try as I think you will be pleasantly surprised :) I've been eating it once or twice a week these days :)

    1. Dawn--I am on it!! I want one of these and I'm not sure why I've taken so long to come around. Every time I see someone's beautiful zucchini or squash creation, I think, I need one of the peelers!!! Okay--I'm committing to one asap!
      I'm super excited about our YouTube Channel. I think it'll be an absolute blast!
      Dawn--Thank you very much for your support all of these years!!


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