Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19th, 2014 A Quick Friday Post

September 19th, 2014 A Quick Friday Post

I've had a very full Friday! Work and cleaning my apartment filled the day, followed by a wonderful date night with Heather. We enjoyed dinner out and the hilarious Noel Coward play Blithe Spirit.

My food has been decent today. I felt so much better today. I was back in the groove and looking forward to a wonderful weekend.

Heather and I enjoyed live theatre tonight, we're attending The Red Dirt Film Festival tomorrow night and Heather gets to meet mom tomorrow afternoon!

After calculating my dinner calories, I'm 150 shy of 1700. And that is okay for tonight. It's too late to eat anything. I thought about a couple of eggs. But really--I'm good. I need sleep!

I can't keep my eyes open too much longer.

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