Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20th, 2014 I'll Be Sleeping-In Tomorrow

September 20th, 2014 I'll Be Sleeping-In Tomorrow

This wasn't a relaxed Saturday. It was an enjoyable Saturday, just not relaxed.  I had a location broadcast scheduled for 10am and since we were planning to head toward Stillwater immediately after my broadcasts concluded, my workout needed to happen early.

Heather and I made our way to the store to pick up some fruit, then it was off to the trail for a brisk 1.7 mile walk. We made it back to the apartment in just enough time to prepare breakfast and grab a shower before my broadcast. Heather finished her run while I was at my broadcast.

My FitBit stats show this to be one of the most active days I've had since starting with FitBit. It's giving me a 562 "calorie adjustment" based on measured activity.

Today's trip to Stillwater included two meals out, lunch with mom and dinner with Heather's daughter.  I did very well at each place. It wasn't too much of an issue. Mexico Joe's has my "go to" chicken fajitas and I found a small 6 oz sirloin at Texas Roadhouse, ordered without butter or any added fat whatsoever.

We attended the Red Dirt Film Festival's showing of "The Long Way Home." Being a professional actress, Heather knew many of the people associated with this project. It was pretty cool to watch a film with the actors watching from the seats all around you.

We decided a coffee was in order before the drive home. I invested 120 calories in a sugar-free skinny cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks. It was well worth the drink calories! We both needed the caffeine!

I'm planning to sleep in as late as humanly possible tomorrow. It'll be very nice!

I'm looking forward to getting back to the YMCA tomorrow afternoon!

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your support,


  1. Thought of you today as hubs and I went to a new bar & grill for dinner after a Husker Volleyball game. I am usually confident I will find something I can feel good about eating on any menu even at a bar & grill. And I did! I ordered chicken fajitas and it was delicious. I didn't eat the tortillas but really dug into the grilled chicken, peppers and onions. I had two chips with a small dab of the guacamole on each, and was very satisfied with my meal. I feel really pleased that I was able to stay true to my goal of keeping my calorie count low for the day so I can continue to lose weight as I get closer and closer back to my goal weight of 150 lbs. I weighed in at 157.8 lbs this morning. Feels good to be back in the 150's!! I plan to stay there this time!! We're doing it Sean!! We are both success stories!

    1. Nice job navigating that menu!!! Yay--the 150's!!!! Awe, Dupster--I'm so happy for you!!! We are totally doing it, this time like no other!!!!

  2. You Americans like your Tex Mex food! Your dinner is more my fare!

    1. Yes--I love the Tex-Mex for a couple of reasons--it's easily adjustable with ingredients and therefore, I can bump up or lessen the calories if needed...and it's delicious! It's also nice to have something good and simple, like the dinner pictured. It was perfect.


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