Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26th, 2014 Peace and Calm

September 26th, 2014 Peace and Calm

The late night in Stillwater last night did not make for a very good start today. I was tired. I managed to get what work I needed to get done, done--and leave the studio early. I had a decision to make--go home and nap in order to be well rested for my location broadcast at the Thompson Square concert later or go to the YMCA for a midday spin class--then come home for lunch and a nap.

I made the right choice. I did spin at 11:30am because I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't get a workout in today. I wanted a good workout today. I needed it, not just physically but mentally. My Fitbit calorie adjustment today was 700 calories! I feel really good about this!

I feel so wonderful while out in public these days. It goes beyond the slimmer appearance--it's an inner confidence, a calm I've never fully realized before the last several months. I carry myself differently in public. I hold my head high, I don't avoid people and I allow my natural self to be--just be, me...naturally. I don't automatically try to make everyone laugh. I'm perfectly content with just being still. It's a peace and calm.

This peace and calm carries over to my food and exercise too.

I had a special broadcast from a big concert tonight. I had planned on finding something for dinner at the venue but quickly abandoned that plan when I realized there wasn't anything on their limited menu that I wanted to accept. And it was fine. I was okay. It was a late dinner, for sure--but my breakfast for dinner was over the top delicious! Check out the Tweet below!

Heather traveled to me last weekend and I'm traveling to her this weekend. I look forward to spending some more time with her as we get to know one another more. She met my mom last weekend. Tomorrow (Saturday), I get to meet her dad. Wish me luck!

I'm hoping Heather and I can make some time to do our first YouTube video together at some point this weekend. If so, it'll be posted Sunday night! Stay tuned!

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your support,


  1. Nice that you had the energy to get your workout in! Great choice.

    My father would ask my boyfriends for a copy of their blood tests results just to make them sweat a little. I'm sure Heather's father will be much more easy going :) Have a great weekend!

    1. It wasn't an easy choice. I wanted to get home quickly--but I also wanted to feel good for a nice workout. I bargained with myself. Do the spin class--then sleep!
      LOL Your father--I hope he doesn't try to make me sweat a little.
      Thank you Nikki!

  2. Finally - the You tube videos. I am telling you, you are going to thank me one day for pushing this. It's going to spur a whole new and lucrative career for you both as long as you keep it cool enough to reach the College age crowd who are the main subscribers to these channels.

    1. Divad--I sincerely appreciate your confidence! I think it'll be fun!

  3. I have to agree with Divad. I know the videos will be tougher to produce, but I think you'll find a very welcoming audience for them, both from yours and Heather's perspectives.

    1. Thank you, Lance! I hope so. Nothing to lose, right?

  4. Looking forward to the video! Have a great weekend!

    1. I am too! I sincerely appreciate your confidence, Alati!


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