Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27th, 2014 Taking A Day Off

September 27th, 2014 Taking A Day Off

I've really enjoyed today. I took the day off. I didn't have any location broadcasts, I didn't have anything at all I needed to do or get done, I just had to relax and enjoy my Saturday. Days like these are rare!

When I say I "took the day off," it means I didn't work and I didn't intentionally exercise--although Heather and I did a lot of walking today. Fitbit gave me a tiny bit of calorie adjustment. It wasn't the 700 like yesterday--but it was something and anything was okay with me.

When it comes to my food and abstinence from sugar, there's no such thing as a "day off." This is simply how I am and how I choose to live. I must be this aware and absolute about my commitment because of the elements of addiction. If I didn't have "a history," then I suppose I could take a day off from everything--but I will not allow it. And it's not something I miss. The peace, calm and happiness I feel today cannot be made better by any indulgence or excess. I truly believed otherwise for the longest time. I feel better than ever without all the excess--very interesting!

It's no big secret: I love Mexican food or "Tex-Mex!" I managed to work corn tortillas into every meal today. I didn't do it on purpose, I swear! It just happened that way. It was a delicious day, for sure!

Our plans for me to meet Heather's dad today have been moved to tomorrow, early afternoon.

Looking forward to our first YouTube video together! It'll be so much fun! We have plans to do a couple videos, early evening-- tomorrow.

It was a great idea to take some time off this weekend. The upcoming weekend schedules will be busy in October! I look forward to writing more another night and I really look forward to sharing a YouTube video with you tomorrow night!

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your support,


  1. I always think of nachos as a naughty unhealthy food - and it is the way I have it - yours looks great and healthy too! I have already improved the nutritional content of my tacos, quesadillas and fajitas - why not nachos?

    1. Me too, Natalie!! The trick to making this work is the measuring/weighing all ingredients. It's exactly 56g of chips (2servings) or 280 cal. And that makes for a decent sized plate of nachos! Heather used 1.5 servings and it looked like enough too. "Why Not Nachos?" That should be the title of a calorie counting friendly recipe book! :)

  2. Can't wait for the video. I am tryingmy version your breakfast tacos this morning!

    1. Oh yes, Alati!! Those scrambled egg tacos were absolutely incredible!! Enjoy yours!!

  3. I love how you take a pic of your foods. I think I've told you that before. My question is for you is: When is your last food of the day? I tend to have a pretty good day although I only eat a fruit in the afternoon and maybe a granola or some sort, but my night time is hard. I'm trying to break my bad habit of not wanting that snacking fit around 8 at night. How do you stay away from eating at night time?

    1. Rosie-- My #lastfoodofday varies. Sometimes it's super late, occasionally early--but there's no set time. I know that I have so many calories to use and once I consume to the point of that last food--and I Tweet the pic with the lastfoodofday hashtag ---It's like a switch for me, "the food is done today." It's certainly a mental gymnastics type thing. I'm glad you enjoy the food pics! My suggestion for you Rosie: Do something similar using your social media. Once you eat what you plan on being your last food of the day-- Say it on you Facebook or tweet it--make the declaration public: "This is the last thing I'm eating tonight." You'll be amazed at how doing this changes the mental dynamics. Suddenly, you're not alone!

  4. Days off are a great way to recharge your batteries. In my younger years I never realized just how important that was.

  5. Tex mex for every meal....awesome..

    1. OMGoodness, Yes! I love the versatility of this kind of food. I can make it calorie rich or calorie friendly. Those nachos could have been turned into a giant platter o calories with some guac, a lot more cheese--and some more cheese. And more meat!
      But even without all the extra stuff piled high--it was perfect--satisfying, wonderful.
      I can't wait to start getting into pumpkin flavored things occasionally-- I know you'll appreciate it, my pumpkin loving friend!


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