Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2nd, 2014 Creative Ideas

September 2nd, 2014 Creative Ideas

This day, oh my--it was a long one! I managed to maintain the integrity of my food plan despite the long hours. I must admit, I worked a split shift today, opting to come home for a midday nap before returning for a long afternoon of radio production.

I left the studio at 5:15pm and headed for the store to purchase some items for dinner. I'm challenging myself to discover new and exciting things to prepare. I have my tried and true regulars and believe me, they wouldn't be regular menu items if I didn't love them. Sometimes, I feel like stretching my culinary skills and imagination. This is when it get's fun.  I decided on a sirloin tip steak stir fry with squash, zucchini, onions, green pepper and red bell pepper. For my side dish, I cut sweet potatoes into round medallions and baked them at 420 degrees for 30 minutes. The entire dinner was amazing. I prepared it pre-conference call--and enjoyed it immediately after the presentation tonight. I love creative ideas in the kitchen!

Our presentation tonight was all about the weight loss support group conference calls I co-facilitate and moderate with Life Coach Gerri Helms. Currently, this weekly group is only available in the U.S. and Canada.
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This was our "poster" for tonight's event. And here's the audio from tonight's presentation in its entirety:

We're looking forward to a very successful ten week group starting September 9th and taking you right up to right before Thanksgiving. I'll include a direct link for you to register and sign up in tomorrow night's edition. We're giving those who were on the conference presentation live, the first opportunity.

I enjoyed the aforementioned dinner immediately after tonight's presentation, then made my way to the YMCA for an elliptical workout. I cranked it up to level 10 tonight. Pushing it like I did on Monday's walk with Heather has really opened my eyes to the concept of what can I really do? I'll never know unless I try, right? I set the elliptical to 10 and took off and I made it, yes, made it just fine. It was an incredible workout. I'm getting a bigger sweat with every new resistance level.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in. I know to ground myself and maintain some perspective while approaching the scale. Still, I'm excited! And excited doesn't necessarily mean high expectations, it just means I'm feeling great and regardless of what the scale says tomorrow morning, I'm okay! If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you'll be the first to know the weigh day update!

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and in this post, thank you for listening!


  1. Awesome choices Sean! I especially like your dinner choice and see we would get along just fine if we decided on what to eat. I received the package, Thanks! Enjoyed listening to your conference and good luck with weigh in day! I know it's just a number but I have a feeling your will do great and exceed your own expectations. I know I exceeded mine, official a 7 pound loss this weigh in period, down 113 pounds since Dec 20th.

    1. Jon, Congrats!!!! 113 pounds down is monumental!! Knowing you as well as I do, by way of our email correspondence, I know you're eating very well--giving your body what it needs to function and you're working hard as you always have...and check out what's happening!! You're consistently losing weight and feeling great!
      I loved the dinner--The tip steak was perfect. The only thing I would change next time is, I would be more attentive while cooking and take it off the heat much sooner. As it was, I stayed busy right up to the call time and allowed the dish to cook until everything was a little too done; mushy. A little crunchy in this dish would have worked well too. It was still delicious!!
      Thank you! I think today's weigh day will be decent. Of course, regardless--I'll be okay and keep on keeping on!
      Thank you for letting me know you received the package!

  2. Cath wait for the update, as usual your food pics give me ideas to try for myself!

    1. Alati, I can't wait, too!! :) I'm so glad the food pics inspire you!! Good food!!

  3. Your dinner sounds amazing Sean. Major kudos for increasing your level on the elliptical. You are doing so well my friend. I hope the scale displays a nice number that reflects all your work and changes you have made.

    1. Thank you, LTR!! It was amazingly delicious! That walk on Monday proved to me that I can go much further than before. I naturally hold back. Increasing it to 10 made sense--allowing myself to back it off if it turned out to be too much. turns out it wasn't too much. The number today was 9 pounds!!! 78 pounds in the last 19 weeks! Couldn't be more thrilled with a 3 pound per week average the last three! :)

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE beef with grilled veggies just like you did! LOVE it!

    good luck on the scale, but know you are doing great regardless of the number it puts up. :)

    1. Gwen, thank you!! I Loved, Loved, LOVED it too!!! I sincerely appreciate your readership and support!!!

  5. Just curious. I can't tell from what you have in this post-- Is the photo on your poster ad a current pic or a past one?

    1. That photo on the poster is the same photo as my Facebook cover photo. It was taken at my very first book signing in December 2011, a week after release. The sense of accomplishment I felt in that pic, having spent a year writing the book-- and finally realizing an actual signing at a book store, was a tremendously powerful thing. But you know what?It still doesn't compare to how I feel today, after going through a tremendous regain/relapse and feeling so lost--like I was hopelessly going straight back to my old existence--then feeling "found" again and truly taking extraordinary care--It's a divine blessing, Deb. I'm grateful.


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