Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 6th, 2014 The First Photo

September 6th, 2014 The First Photo

I was a guest this morning at the fitness center where Heather teaches class. While she taught her Saturday morning body combat class, I did my thing on the elliptical, resistance level 10. It was very unusual to get my workout in so early. But it felt good. And we had a busy day ahead of us.

We enjoyed the OSU football home opener today. We even snapped our very first photo together!!
I really enjoy her company! It was nice.

I was getting hungry before the game and with a 2:30pm kickoff, lunch was a must. I knew the plan was to grab dinner with Heather's daughter after the game and I knew she wanted Mexican, so I scrapped the idea of a quick and safe Chipotle stop. Instead, I ran into Walmart for Joseph's Pitas, thinly sliced cheese and turkey, plus rice chips! I made lunch right there in the vehicle! It was really good.

We only had water at the game. The Cowboys were winning very easily, so we made our way to the gates during the 3rd quarter. We decided to beat the traffic and the restaurant rush afterward. It was a wonderful plan.

I ordered the mixed grill fajitas. I didn't eat the cheese, beans, rice, sour cream or guacamole. I stuck with the grilled chicken, shrimp and steak stuffed into three taco shells instead of flour tortillas. 

This weekend continues to be wonderful. It's kind of a do-over from last weekend, when I worked three days of the three day holiday weekend.

I'm really taking a slight break from writing this weekend. You can expect I'll be recapping this weekend and more--including what happened when I tried to find some spirit wear clothing that fit. All of the OSU shirts in my closet were part of my 230 pound wardrobe.

My food tweets today:
Thank you for reading and your continued support!


  1. Love the photo. Happiness glows.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sean, I haven't been reading here long enough but I gather that Heather is your girlfriend? She is lovely and you two make a great couple! :)

  4. Congrats on the Great choices for treating yourself properly. Being in a hurry - you made a Walmart stop for lunch in the car - GREAT! Now I have another solution to treating myself well when plans change quickly. Thanks Sean! LOVE the pic of you and Heather!!!!!

    1. Nancy-- It was strange, because--I couldn't figure out what to buy for lunch. My brain was set on a restaurant of some sort--I just wasn't thinking broad enough...Then it hit me--The store!!! I was so glad...I felt great about it!!! Thank you, my friend!

  5. I love that you are able to find quick fixes for the never-ending food dilemma. Being busy and out of the house always messes with me. I have to get it engrained in my brain that it's okay to ask for substitutes and stop at the market for food rather than concessions.

    1. Absolutely, Danielle! It gets easier with every time we make a point to make it important. Eventually, it doesn't become as much of a dilemma, it's just what we do! :)

  6. See, now I would've eaten the cheese, sour cream, and guacamole, and NOT the tortillas. LOL (and asked for sliced-length-wise celery for the salsa instead of the chips. If they make blood mary's, they have celery.) Different strokes for different folks! :)

    1. Great idea, Gwen!!! I'll be sure to remember this solid strategy! Thank you!!

  7. I did a store run like that recently for a snack and got a nectarine and cooked Tyson chicken and ate it in my car. Car eating is usually Baaad for me so I took a selfie of me biting the nectarine and sent to hubby with this note, "eating in the car and proud!"

    1. I love the selfie you describe!! Nice!! Yeah--my past is full of car eating that was far from good. I felt very proud of this instance! It was the best alternative, by far!


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