Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7th, 2014 Learning New Things

September 7th, 2014 Learning New Things

I've enjoyed a much needed weekend! I had a wonderful breakfast and lunch followed by an incredible workout today. Heather took me to the trail she frequents for her run. She did her four mile run while I did my brisk three mile walk. She passed me as she headed back. I was on my way to the half way point turnaround. I had the key to the vehicle in my pocket, so I did my best to pick up the pace. I even did some light jogging! Heather finished her run, then ran back another mile to me and helped push me to the finish line. She was straight up coaching me that last mile!! She's really good and once again, it reminded me how I'm capable of giving more out there. I'm learning a lot from her about the physicality and science of exercise, things I've never really studied too closely. I'm at a point now where I'm ready and open to learning new things.

Heather is currently doing the Beach Body Ultimate Reset and she has a very specific nutrition plan she's following. She gave me the option to eat something different, whatever I wanted or what she was having. I decided to give her lunch a try. It reminded me of my recent lunch with Kat L., with all the quinoa, lentil beans and fresh veggies. It was very different from my usual lunch fare, but it was very good. If I could figure out a way to make it into a taco or tostado, I'd like it even more. I'm kidding. Okay, sort of kidding. ;)

I've always seemed to have an issue getting enough water. It really isn't too much of an issue, it's simply a matter of importance, or better--whether or not I make it important. Heather shares the same struggle sometimes. Today, we made sure to get enough. I was already at 8 cups by shortly after my three miles today. I finished with 10 cups straight water, something I rarely accomplish. The water consumption is definitely an enhancement I can make along this road. More water and more sleep. Those two things will make the biggest positive impact for me at this point moving forward.

I bought a FitBit tonight. It's my first! It's charging as I write and I'm hoping to be ready to strap it on before bed. It tracks everything, even my sleep! And it syncs with My Fitness Pal too!

This weekend has been very busy but exceptionally nice. The dinner Friday night with my daughters, Amber and Courtney, their boyfriends and Heather, along with my grandson Noah, was a wonderful experience. Everyone visited and got to know one another a little. It was truly fantastic. My daughters are incredibly loving and supportive. They absolutely love seeing their dad happy, feeling great and taking extraordinary care.

Noah hasn't spent too much time at my place, since I usually go to him, so he was all over this apartment. He walked from one end to the other, exploring!! His momma followed close behind, because this apartment isn't the most toddler friendly place! I'll make it that way if it means he comes to visit more often!

My workouts both Saturday and today were perfect, especially today. Heather offered for me to try her body combat class on Saturday, but I declined for fear that I'm not quite ready for that level of workout! The elliptical Saturday morning was perfect, really. And familiar, since it was the exact elliptical model I use at my local YMCA.

The upcoming work week will be busy. It's county fair week and we're doing location broadcasts every single night Tuesday through Saturday. I'm sharing those broadcast duties with a colleague, so it shouldn't be too much.

Heather and I planned on starting our YouTube channel this weekend, but ran out of time. It's absolutely coming, though--and we have some fantastic ideas already. All in time! I can't wait!

Oh--almost forgot-- I had a very disappointing time trying to find OSU spirit wear to fit on Saturday. All of what I had fit great when I was close or at 230 pounds. Where I am now, not so much. I almost purchased something new on Saturday before the game but I just couldn't justify the expense for something that will be too big for me within weeks. It's nice to know I'll have plenty of spirit wear soon. It's all waiting for my return to a healthier weight! I'm coming!! There was a couple of things I could have worn, but they were too tight for my own comfort. I could have worn them, sure--but I wanted to be comfortable, you know? The need for comfort trumped my need to wear orange Saturday.

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your fantastic support along this road,


  1. More water and more sleep! Me too.

    That lunch looks nice, I really like quinoa. Not sure about lentils. I've tried cooking them and they were yucky but I'd be happy to try them cooked by someone who knew what they are doing.

    1. Water and sleep--two very important things--and I do not get enough of either.
      Heather really knows her way around some quinoa! I've never cooked it by myself.

  2. It sounds like a perfect weekend Sean. It's great that you and Heather are finding ways to eat healthily and exercise together. What a super couple! Good luck with your schedule this week.

    1. Thank you, LTR! A "super couple," I like the sound of that! We're very supportive of one another--very naturally, in fact!

  3. Your level of commitment to exerciser has been outstanding. Thank you for sharing your daily fitness routine, which I have been struggling with recently. Your daily post is a constant reminder, I can do much better, push myself harder than I have been.

    Keep pushing Sean! Your great commitment to fitness and nutrition is well balanced and with out question a much improved weight loss transformation over the original. Keep leading by example, keep posting in your daily blogs. Sooner or later individuals like myself will share the same level of commitment.

    1. Oh yeah-- so true, Jon-- Cutting out sugar is the biggest difference between the original weight loss and today's regain recovery. The food and exercise is on a higher level too... Now that I think about it, you're absolutely right, it is much improved!! Indeed!!
      Jon-- As hard as you work during the season, you know exactly what you're physically capable of-- incredible things, my friend.

  4. Sean, it's so great that you are involved with someone who is on a similar path, and who can push you with exercise. I know that while I am religious about exercising, I need to be pushing myself harder to grow and that's hard to do on your own, or in a situation where you are the more active one (My situation)! Quinoa pilaf looks great...I like quinoa but keep meaning to eat it more often. Meanwhile, I stumbled upon a new way of making zucchini and yellow squash this summer that you might like...I sauté it with olive oil spray, and then toss in a couple tablespoons of salsa with it when it is almost done. Sometimes I serve this with a tablespoon of low fat shredded cheddar, sometimes I just eat it just with the salsa. Great!


    1. I love it that she's so into exercise and fitness-- an instructor/coach for goodness sake!! It's perfect, really. And she doesn't push in an abrasive way, either... She challenges, she offers "motivating statements of truth" along the way-- and it lights a fire. Yeah, she's good.
      If left completely to my own, I'll still workout--I just naturally do not push it beyond what I'm most comfortable doing...I can still get a good sweat and heart rate up--but not like when she's coaching me...It makes a big difference, for sure.
      I cooked that squash zucchini exactly the same way as you described... I need to try adding salsa and perhaps some cheese!! (you know how I love my cheese!!) Dede, thank you!!

    2. Sean, You'll love the zucchini that way! And Heather sounds as if she strikes the perfect balance when encouraging you! PS: Forgot to mention...I still have my original Fitbit from 2011, and if I were to lose it or if it died, I would go out tomorrow and get another one. It has been so valuable to me and I use it every single day! You'll love it. Dede

  5. I honestly don't know the science behind it, but I can tell you that the more water I drink, the better results I get in weight loss. I bring a gallon jug with me to work eveyday and my goal is to have it gone before I go home! I swear it's one of those secrets to getting better results. Maybe it's all the exercise I get from running to the bathroom or maybe it just makes me feel full so I don't cheat, but it's definitely a big part of my routine.

    1. That's a fantastic strategy, FD!! Wow-- I may need to consider this in my own plan. Thank you!!

  6. I'm a huge Fitbit fan. I'm sure your use will be different than mine, but it's fantastic. I find that it helps me pace myself so that I don't overdo things (darn you, arthritis), but still keep moving. I've pretty much identified the sweet spot in terms of the number of steps I can do on a regular basis without hurting myself. This will come in handy when I go to Europe next spring. Like Goldilocks--not too much, not too little.

    As you said, it's also good for tracking sleep.

    As far as calories burned goes, I think it's not too bad. It certainly doesn't give me those ridiculously high burn rates that exercise bikes and ellipticals give. Maybe they're accurate for a tall man like you, but when you're under 5', you've got to cut the numbers by at least 25%!

    Enjoy your Fitbit. I know that I feel naked without mine. ;)

    1. I'm very excited to finally have one! I'm looking forward to taking it on some really good workouts!!

  7. Adding 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to your diet is a wise decision. This will help your body be properly hydrated; and can also replace all the fluids you’ve lost from your workout. Anyhow, this week must’ve been a busy one for you. It’s a good thing that you had dinner with your daughters. Somehow it helped you to relax and just enjoy the night. Take care!

    Collene Auston @ QH2O


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