Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20th, 2014 I'm Really Tired

November 20th, 2014 I'm Really Tired

Today was constantly busy. Busy morning show, busy production schedule immediately after--then a board meeting for the arts and humanities council. The meeting was at one of our big casinos, in a private meeting room with table service from the restaurant. I ordered creatively--a grilled chicken sandwich-no bread, hold the bacon, fruit and sweet potato fries on the side. The plate was delivered with about 400 calories worth of the fries, so I offered a portion to one of my fellow board members. I left the meeting early because I needed to get to Stillwater to pick up mom and take her to a doctors appointment in Oklahoma City.

After messing up my sleep schedule with yesterday's nap, I was awake way too long, again last night--and this horribly affected me today.  Mom's appointment was over at almost 5pm and we were back in Stillwater by 6pm, ready to find dinner, somewhere simple and fast--but easy to navigate within my boundaries. We found it.

It's 9pm now and although I silently vowed to exercise immediately upon my return home, I've nixed the plan. Today will be a rest day. I need sleep, now. I'm going to get it! I'm really tired.

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sleep is so important, biologically important we are learning. You do not gain anything in stressing out your body with exercise when what it really needs is sleep. Good for you learning to listen to your body!
    PS: I go to bed all the time at 9. That way I can get up at 4:30, 5:00 am and I feel rested! works for me. Take care and continue to insprie.

    1. It was a solid 7 hours. Woke without issue, right on time and feeling wonderful! It would be very wise for me to finally make this, not just a priority, but an iron-clad rule...7 hours, at least... Some nights, like tonight, when I'll be at a concert, it'll be later, of course-- but I'll still be able to enjoy 7 or more.
      I'm learning that it truly comes down to the things we make important-- and we choose them.
      For instance, my abstinence from sugar is non-negotiable. I don't "play" with it, at all... And that kind of commitment to my sleep will give me tremendous benefits.
      Always learning along this road, never stops! ;) thank you, A!

  2. You're a busy busy man! I get tired sometimes just reading about it ;) hope you get some rest scheduled in for the weekend!

    1. LOL, Alati! I did get some decent rest this weekend! I hope your was restful, too!

  3. Sounds like you are giving sleep the priority it needs in our lives. Seems We all fall short with that. I think it was on the Dr. Oz show that it was stated sleep deprivation is as bad for the body as smoking. Yikes! Keep going the way you are Sean - it's in the right direction. I will make sleep a priority in my life too - thanks for the inspiration and bringing it to where it will be a priority for me also.

    1. I'm getting better and better with my sleep relationship. It's certainly been a baby steps kind of thing. I'm glad you're making it a priority too!


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