Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21st, 2014 A Well Rested and Fun Friday

November 21st, 2014 A Well Rested and Fun Friday

I was asleep before 9:30pm Thursday night. I woke up at 4:30am feeling truly rested and ready for a productive Friday. As much as my schedule is a mess sometimes, with crazy hours and little sleep, I must acknowledge it is that way because I choose to make it that way. It all comes down to the importance level assigned to whatever element we're discussing. If it's my abstinence from sugar--then it's no exceptions, non-negotiable--24/7/365. If I placed that same importance level on getting enough sleep, it would do me incredible good! Seven hours sleep felt amazing. And I've had that much and more on weekends, occasionally, but something about this seven hours felt even better. I don't know why--perhaps the sleep was better quality.

It was a busy Friday, for sure, and by the time I walked through the door, it was about time to get ready for a big classic country concert with Mel Tillis and T.G. Sheppard. My intention was to get my workout done in the middle of the day, but it just wasn't possible. I had a choice--skip the pre-concert visit-on-the-tour-bus invitation from T.G. Sheppard and go workout, then show up at showtime--or plan to workout late, after the concert.

I decided to not pass up a visit with T.G. Sheppard on his tour bus and opted for the later workout. This late workout idea was another thing that didn't go as planned. I didn't get away from the venue until well after 11pm, walking out into a dense fog and mist. The idea of going to the walking trail at midnight wasn't appealing and instead of choosing a good home workout choice, like PiYo, I decided to be okay without--again today. I do not like going two days in a row without a good workout. What would be worse though, would be beating myself up over it and feeling horrible. Instead, I'll have plenty of time to hit the YMCA after my location broadcast tomorrow. All is well.

Meeting T.G. Sheppard was a nice experience. I grew up listening to his hits on the radio when KOMA was country and we blared it in mom's old Rambler and later in our Ford Pinto station wagon. I never in a million years thought I would be sitting across from him on his tour bus having a casual conversation about music, family and fatherhood. He couldn't have been nicer. Even though he's nearly 20 years my senior, we both have two daughters of similar age. Mine are 24 and 21, his-23 and 19--so, as you might imagine, common ground fueled a fascinating conversation. He shared some incredible stories from his career, too. About thirty minutes before showtime, we wrapped up our visit and T.G. asked his bass player to snap our picture.
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I'll be playing more of his music on my radio show. The guy is pure class. T.G. was amazing and Mel Tillis, even at 82 years old, sounded fantastic. It was a great show, for sure!

It was a super late dinner tonight, after the concert. I did well. The two side orders to my steak dinner were not on the menu as side options. My options were baked potato, french fries or mashed potatoes--and the only veggie option was corn. But I noticed a fruit plate listed under salads--so I knew they could possibly throw together a small cup of fruit--and the cottage cheese wasn't mentioned anywhere on the menu--I just lucked out on that one. I made the two special requests and the restaurant accommodated without hesitation. The steak was 10oz, a full 450 calories--so I trimmed it almost in half, down to approximately 6oz. I'll eat the left over sirloin with my breakfast Saturday morning.

My Tweets today:

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  1. Sounds like a great day! On the sleep subject, I so agree with the seven hours. I too go to bed at 9:00 when I'm working dayshift and I wake up before my 5:00 am alarm most days feeling rested. When it's evenings I work I tend to struggle to make myself go to bed but I usually still get my seven hours. I just hate sleeping later into the morning. With your busy schedule you have to fit your sleep into where you can get it. I love the afternoon naps but I can honestly nap 15 to 30 min but anymore and I'm in for a rough night trying to sleep. Have a great weekend Sean!

    1. Thank you, Leah! Yeah, it's amazing how much those naps affect me later. I suppose it's confirmation of restful/quality sleep! I hope your weekend was awesome!

  2. Great job with food choices. Really neat that the restaurant was able to accommodate you. Good sleep and enough of it is so necessary and I sure didn't get it last night. Every time I have an early morning appointment I wake up every hour or so throughout the night. Had a 9:00 appt. this morning. Have to fight napping so I will sleep at a reasonable hour tonight. Gee Whiz!

    1. Thank you, Nancy! oooh..the waking up through the night can be incredibly frustrating.

  3. I love how you navigated dinner. That turned out great. What a fun evening too!! Have yourself a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Thank you, A! It did turn out great. Had I been afraid to ask, I would have either had to compromise or eat only the steak. I'm glad I politely asked for their help! And they were happy to help!


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