Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 23rd, 2014 I Would Love To Try

November 23rd, 2014 I Would Love To Try

I slept in really well today, although I used too much pillow. Using too much pillow can result in lesser quality sleep for me. I woke up with a headache and these days, that's very rare. A few ibuprofen and some deep breathing exercises later, and I was fine.

I enjoyed Angel Street, a live theatrical production this afternoon. It was a very enjoyable experience and it has me wanting to audition again soon.  How convenient--Auditions for Don't Dress For Dinner are tomorrow and Tuesday night. Uhg!!

I want to act in a stage production again, so much--but it takes an incredible amount of time and commitment, and honestly--I'm not sure I could do it again, at least not right now with my busy schedule. And since this is the busiest time of year for my profession, it would be a stretch to think I could pull it off. But oh, how I would love to try!

I packed my workout clothes in the car for a YMCA trip immediately after the play. It was almost 5pm when I finally pulled into the Y--and that's when I realized how hungry I was feeling. Getting up as late as I did meant a big brunch but nothing since. I decided to make a fast trip to the convenience store on the corner for something to hold me until dinner. I found a pack of almonds, pistachios and peanuts, a cheese stick and a banana. I took my 395 calorie late lunch inside the Y, sat down and enjoyed it before changing for my workout.

I turned the resistance up to 13 on the elliptical. It was a very good workout! I feel myself getting stronger. The 1 minute jog last night was an eye opening experience, too. I'm proving to myself that I can do much more than I'm doing. It's a matter of breaking out of the comfort zone and pushing just a touch harder.

I did some grocery shopping tonight. I wanted some baked chicken drumsticks. Then I had a flash--BBQ chicken!!! I made my way over to the BBQ sauce isle not expecting to find a single sauce sugar free. I picked up several bottles before I came across the only sugar free BBQ sauce on the shelf. I was thrilled! I turned it over, read the ingredients--and yes, indeed--it's BBQ chicken for me tonight! Sometimes I get really excited while grocery shopping.

When I scanned the bar code of the sauce for entry into MyFitnessPal, it came up Paula Dean Sugar Free BBQ sauce, instead of the brand on the label. I'm assuming it's a shared sauce-Like Paula and G. Hughes made an agreement with a manufacturer to bottle the same sauce with their faces on the label. You think it's different sauce, but it isn't. I could be totally wrong on that--Just my theory.

Last night I briefly mentioned possibly adding 1,000 calories to my budget for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This has been my strategy since I started losing weight in 2008. However, this will be the first sugar free holiday season for me! There are some solid rules/boundaries I keep with this extra 1,000. I will track the calories and entries on MyFitnessPal--and of course everything will be photographed and tweeted. If I'm satisfied, I'll not stuff myself for sport. There's a chance I may not use all 2700 calories on Thanksgiving day--and it's okay to NOT...In other words, I don't plan on adding things late just because "I have it coming!!" The extra 1,000 will be in place in case it's needed and considering I'll be cooking a homemade gluten free mac and cheese with real butter, cream and full fat cheese--yeah, I might need a few extra calories. Under no circumstances will I sacrifice the integrity of my abstinence from sugar.

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. It sounded like a day to be proud of with your eating and exercise. Way to go Sean! Try as I may, I could not find any sugar free marinara sauce. I gave up and made my own. I think the Walmart in the States have more selection than here in Canada or at least in BC. I still have never found Joseph's pitas either. Won't give up though!

    1. I bet making your own taste better anyway! You might be able to order Joseph's Pita online--not sure about the shipping rates to Canada.... I applaud your culinary adventure! I've been told it's super easy to make--but at 3.49 a jar, eh... i just take the easy way out. I wish you could find it where you are, it's really good. But again-- I bet yours is better!

  2. Great job! I loved the Paula Deen sugar free bbq sauce but I couldn't ever find it anymore. Might have to search the one you got out and test your theory! Have a great week!

    1. Alati--it occurred to me, after reading your comment here--and after the MFP scan where Paula came up from the barcode of this sauce--- I bet the sauce was, perhaps, one of the things she lost amid her scandal...maybe? The sauce company then licensed it to G Hughes...That's an even wilder theory. I don't know--but the bar code nutritional data was never changed. I wonder if Mr. Hughes knows this? It is fabulous sauce! If you find it--I would be interested to know if it's the same as you remember from the Paula Deen labeled jar. have a great week, too--Alati!

  3. I will be sugar free this thanksgiving as well so will think of how strong I know you will be :) happy thanksgiving.

    1. Dawn-- I'm so happy you're sugar free, too!! We can do it and enjoy doing it! happy Thanksgiving to you too!!

  4. Good morning! Hey! What do you mean you scanned the BBQ sauce for MFP??? I use MFP and I never scanned anything! I'm interested in that!
    Nice looking dinner, too. Of course your meals always looked good and I have adapted to having egg whites and one whole egg for breakfast and let me tell you I am so full all day I have a hard time eating again!
    Great workout...! Enjoy your Monday!

    1. Oh Rosie--it's a fabulous feature of the MyFitnessPal smartphone app. I have the iPhone version, I'm assuming the android version of MFP does the same.
      When you go to add a food, in the lower right hand corner you'll see what appears to be a bar code. Instead of typing in the food, press that--and then point your camera at the bar code of the product---it will capture all of the nutritional data for that food automatically--then you simply adjust accordingly to how much you consumed. Anything I eat that has a bar code, I use saves an incredible amount of time! And of course, once you scan it once--MFP remembers it--then entering it again down the line is easy--it'll pop up for you!
      Glad you're enjoying the eggs for breakfast! Thank you Rosie!!

  5. Went on the Duncan Diet a while ago and made the Gillette which was made with egg whites, oat bran, yogurt - and then you could add vegetables of your choice. That held you also for many hours. The egg whites with all their protein and low calories are wonderful and healthy. I too didn't know MFP could scan with info on items.Do you use it the same as if you were scanning the barcode for adding to your daily calorie count?
    Sean - congrats on hitting 13 on the elliptical!

    1. Thank you, Nancy! The Gillette sounds interesting. I use the egg whites as a calorie adjustment tool, really. Sometimes I'll go with whites--sometimes whole, just depends on what I plan on eating later in the day. Sometimes I want a really big breakfast--so I'll bulk it up with extra whites--and at only 17 cal each-- it's never too much in the calorie department!

      I'll copy/paste my MFP question reply from Rosie's question-- because you might get an email notification of this reply--and not hers.
      it's a fabulous feature of the MyFitnessPal smartphone app. I have the iPhone version, I'm assuming the android version of MFP does the same.
      When you go to add a food, in the lower right hand corner you'll see what appears to be a bar code. Instead of typing in the food, press that--and then point your camera at the bar code of the product---it will capture all of the nutritional data for that food automatically--then you simply adjust accordingly to how much you consumed. Anything I eat that has a bar code, I use saves an incredible amount of time! And of course, once you scan it--MFP remembers it--then entering it again down the line is easy--it'll pop up for you!


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