Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22nd, 2014 A Powerless Pizza

November 22nd, 2014 A Powerless Pizza

I had a location broadcast today from a car dealership. The dealership ordered a bunch of pizzas for everyone. I can honestly say, it wasn't even the slightest bit tempting. I didn't have anything with me, but I enjoyed a fairly late breakfast. I was confident I could hold on until the three hour broadcast concluded. It was interesting how the pizza didn't seem to phase me. Not knowing what was in it was the biggest factor. Sugar in the dough and sauce? Maybe! Not knowing for certain immediately disqualified it as something I might want. A powerless pizza is a pretty big deal for me. Now, if I enjoy pizza, it's either homemade or a thin crust gluten free veggie pizza like the one I enjoyed a week ago.

My abstinence from sugar has given me a peace and calm that is beyond anything I've ever experienced in my 43 year relationship with food. I've written these words a bunch in the last seven plus months, but I'm just so incredibly thrilled--it's worth repeating.

I opted for a workout at the trail instead of the Y today. It turned out to be a very good workout. The highlight for me was lightly jogging for sixty seconds straight. I may have done this before, but this is the first time I've actually timed it. I'm still getting a pain on the top outer part of my right foot, every time I push myself in this way. I'm not sure what it is, really. I also planned to do some living room strength training exercises too, but didn't.

I wrapped my dinner in baking foil and put it all in the oven to cook while I did my exercise at the trail. Bad idea. I over-cooked my fish. It was still decent. It turned what would have been a 9oz portion into 7oz, since a couple ounces were left stuck to the foil. I made the best of the dinner and I really enjoyed the chopped and roasted veggies. I was missing the asparagus. Apparently I took it to work and left it in the studio fridge.

We're getting into Thanksgiving week!! I still haven't decided if I'll add 1,000 calories to my budget that day or not. I have done this in years past for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If I do, I'll maintain my abstinence from sugar, of course! In fact, I've ordered a sugar free peach pie made with stevia!

Wednesday is weigh day at my doctors office. I've already made sure their office will be open that morning for the tri-weekly weigh-in.

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. 60 seconds is awesome! Great jog.

  2. Great news on the jogging!!! I love the idea for adding 1000 calories to your budget for Thanksgiving.

    1. Adding the calories on Thanksgiving and Christmas has been a staple of my plan since the beginning. I still require myself to keep track of the count and of course I'll be logging everything in mfp... It simply gives me a little extra room on a holiday that's traditionally all about the food. It'll be very interesting to see if I even use all of the extra calories. And also, how being sugar free will affect my choices!

  3. Wow! Great few days, Sean! Glad you had a good nights sleep and WTG on your 1 min. job and great walk!
    Oh and that pic... how much do you weigh in it?? You look so small!
    Never thought of adding cals on Thanksgving to enjoy a bit. Nice idea. I think I will do that? Maybe! Oh the guilt that my brain will plague me with! lol
    Have a great Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Rosie! My last weigh in was 289 pounds... I hope I've lost some since, but that's the number I have to go in until I get a new number on Wednesday. I've always carried the weight well, being 6'3"... I'm very lucky in that regard. That's how I was able to be as active as I was at over 500 for so long. The key for me not experiencing guilt is, it's part of the plan. It's not a free for all-- I still count and track, I just allow a little more room in the budget. As long as it's planned and I maintain the boundaries of my plan, there's no guilt.

  4. "Sugar in the dough and sauce? Maybe!"

    Are you kidding? I'd bet my retirement on it. :-) Good call to avoid it.

    1. Yep! Indeed-- I bet you would win big, too!
      When I enjoyed the thin crust gluten free pizza a week ago, I spoke with the manager about the ingredients in the sauce and crust, and I emphasized the over-the-top importance of it being sugar free for me-- and he confirmed the ingredients on that particular pizza was indeed, sugar free. But several pizzas brought in from some random pizza place down the road-- no way I'm trusting that stuff blindly. Not happening! Thank you, Janis!

  5. Great for you to try and make the 1 minute jog! Constant improvement a day at a time. Eating at a very expensive restaurant for Thanksgiving so it will take a lot of control to not try to "get my moneys worth" - know what I mean?

    1. Thank you, Nancy! Yes-- I totally understand the mentality! I've been there many times! We dined out on Thanksgiving for many years--and it was always at an expensive buffet in a hotel...and yes, for years and years I made sure to get my money's worth!!

  6. Marilyn from twitterNovember 24, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    Nice work on the jogging! I'm an overweight asthmatic jogger - I get it!

    The foot thing could be something with your shoe - from having it tied too tightly, to just the way that particular shoe is aging. I never knew how weird feet were until I started running! Talk about weird calluses, and let's not even talk about toenails. (for clarity, I run a mile on the treadmill in the gym once a week under supervision of a trainer, and run-walk-run-walk more slowly for several miles outside once a week.)

    1. Thank you, Marilyn, for your insight on the foot pain issue! It only comes up after a brisk 5k--and especially after jogging any length of time. My shoes likely need replaced very soon.


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