Friday, November 28, 2014

November 28th, 2014 Tweets Only

November 28th, 2014 Tweets Only

I've had a very good day today. Tired tonight, so I'm letting the Tweets handle the blog.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Morning Sean! Came over for an AM dose of inspiration and found a tweet only post. Know what I took away from that? Do what you need to do to take care of yourself first! :-) Now, I'm off to MY Y for spin. Have a great day!

    1. It's challenging for me to post a super short blog like this. I worked on my weight losses meditations project last night. When I finally realized it was almost 1:30am, I was falling asleep and just needed to crash! This blog is critically important to me, so it's very challenging to do one of these "tweets only" posts, but every now and then it's necessary.
      And you're right, the take away should be exactly what you've written's what I needed to do in order to take the best care in the moment. I try to remind myself it's okay to occasionally be brief-- because I would write for two hours a night if I could!! ;) Thank you, Neca! And I hope you enjoyed an amazing spin class!!

  2. Rockin' it, as always, Sean. :)

    Say, do you have a specific number in mind, either weight you want to be, or the # of lbs. you want to lose? And I assume, either way, nothing will change food-wise, though, once you get there? Just curious.

    1. Thank you, Gwen! Great questions! First, the food will not change, of course--although at a certain point I'll find a balance/level of intake that promotes maintainence...that's the plan. Of course, sugar is out for life- that really goes without saying-- and it will caertainly help me maintain consistency with my food.
      As far as a "goal weight," I don't know. 230 felt good before, but honestly-- my focus, I believe should be on my fitness level instead, meaning: With weight/strength training, I'm not sure what weight will end up being optimal for me.
      It will be a very interesting transition from losing to maintaining-- and I'm looking forward to the challenge. I believe maintaining the same consistency with my food will certainly help that effort. The key for me is, I only eat things I love anyway- so there's really not a good reason to change it. And the elements making up my boundaries are in place to promote my recovery, so I definitely do not see changing those! ;)

  3. there is nothing like creating balance in one's life. Just as you now have that with food and exercise, so it spills into every area of your life, Sean.

    Even the blog

  4. I thought 150-was my happy weight. 160 was my original goal weight, but once I got there back in 2011, I just kept doing what I had been doing and eventually got clear down to 139 lbs., before settling back to the 150 lb.-area for a couple of years. Of course a regain occurred earlier this year, so I'm happy once again to have lost most of those 32 lbs. and have settled back INTO THE 150'S. I got as low as 151 earlier this month, but can't seem to get down to 150 on the nose. So I think I'm going to be happy to just be in the 150's, but always below 160 lbs. if possible. I joined another Dietbet that started Thanksgiving Day and ends Christmas Eve, to help with the inevitable Holiday Season slippage. I wish us both luck in achieving and maintaining our goals.

    1. Dupster, YAY!!! 150's is wonderful. Both of us have done an incredible job this year!! You're rockin' this deal! Those dietbets sound interesting!


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