Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2nd, 2014 The Family Visit

November 2nd, 2014 The Family Visit

I enjoyed not setting an alarm as I hit the pillow early this morning. I almost typed "last night," but really--it was this morning a little after 3am--and it felt like a little after 4am because of the time change. I slept almost seven hours and it seemed to work for me. I can't even begin to formulate the words worthy of expressing the level of gratitude I have for good sleep. After going through my sleep apnea experiences, to now be free of them, is incredible. Of course--it could come back--that's a very real possibility, but for now, I'll give thanks for the blessing of quality sleep.

The plan for today included a trip to my hometown for a birthday get together and visit with my aunt and uncle who are visiting from Michigan. It's been a year and a half since I've had the chance to visit with them. Okay--that's not entirely true. I had an entire week a year ago to make the short trip to Stillwater for a visit, but I didn't want them to see me in my condition at that time. When I told my uncle how bad it was before turning this ship around, he commented "That's why you didn't make it down to see me last year, because of your weight gain." Yep. Uncle Sig is a very smart man.

It was a good family visit. Aunt and Uncle got to meet Noah for the first time, and he stole their hearts, as expected!! And as he does with everyone!

Uncle Sig isn't familiar with what I do these days--so when he noticed me snapping a photo of my food he immediately called me crazy. Aunt Jean corrected him quickly as I smiled at the comment. It honestly doesn't bother me one bit to be called "crazy" or "obsessive" or whatever--what I do is working for me very well! I explained to him how everything I've consumed in almost 7 months is photographed, calorie counted and tweeted--and available to see on my Twitter page. It might be considered "extreme" to some, but I make it fun and enjoyable. AND--it's had a monumental positive effect on my food selections, not to mention the care I take in preparing what I enjoy eating. It's not for everyone, that's for sure--but for me, it's crazy brilliant.

It was a good visit--and not just because I've lost a lot of weight this year. That was a part of it, I'm sure--I mean, how could it not be? I avoided them last year because of my weight gain and how I allowed the gain to make me feel. But now, so many changes have happened and I feel great about me regardless of my weight. It truly comes shining through in all I say and do.

My favorite part of the trip was riding in the backseat of Amber's car with Noah. We had a wonderful conversation of jibberish on the way back. I love that little guy. We started playing "Make this sound" and he's really good at this game!

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I so hear where you're coming from in your reluctance to be seen after your regain. It's embarrassing and humiliating. I am down 29 of the 32 lbs. I regained, as if this morning and it's a relief to have reversed that gaining trend, because I truly dreaded having to face people if I gained more weight and it became more noticeable after all the publicity I got for my initial 178-lb. loss. Still even that fear if humiliation didn't get me back on track. Joining a Diet Bet is what motivated me. I have the final weigh in for my fourth consecutive Diet Bet tomorrow and have won every one. Funny how betting a little money got me going when nothing else did. We all have to find what works for us individually in this battle and that may change over time. But I'm in this battle for the rest of my life so I'll just keep trying and looking for new inspirations and motivations that work for me!! Glad you have also found what works for you Sean!!

    1. Thank you, Pam! I've heard of diet bet, but I've never tried it. WOW--You've won every one!!! Congrats!! It is about finding what works and moves us.
      Yeah-- a year ago, I didn't really want to see anyone I didn't absolutely need to see. I often wonder how I would have reacted differently had my May 15th epiphany day happened much earlier. I say it would have been very different--but I don't plan to ever test it, ever again. Pam, again--I'm so overjoyed for your turnaround!!!

  2. A diet bet worked the reverse for me several years ago. Not just for me but for a few of my co-workers that were also in on it. I know when I decide it's time to diet it's a automatic license to wait until Monday, the Monday that never comes. I'm the same with weighing so now I've decided I'm not using the scale. Before I seemed to use the scale for a license to celebrate and gain what ever I lost back as celebrating always seemed to mean with food or I would be disappointed and say "to heck with it" which meant food. Now I am only measuring myself and I have to say this is working for me. I am also seriously considering doing what your doing Sean with taking pics everything I consumed and keeping a picture diary. Whether it will be on twitter or not I'm not sure yet. I've never been active on twitter. Will continue to think on that. If you Sean or any other followers have suggestions for me I'm open to them. Have a great day!

    1. Leah-- Excellent--deciding to stop the scale and all that goes with it in the way of psychology. The Twitter Pics was at first, a tough decision--then, after I realized the incredible benefits it afforded me, I fully embraced and haven't looked back.
      If you're not comfortable with Twitter--here's a suggestion: If you have a smart phone-- download the free app "photo grid." This app will enable you to combine all of your food pics from the day into one picture.---then, at the end of the day, upload one image to your facebook account--or twitter. That would be less work--and still would accomplish your intent.
      It can make a powerful difference!

    2. Thanks Sean! I think I'll do that!

  3. I am smiling broadly over your positive reaction to Uncle Sig's negative remark. Your not being thrown off course by it just shows how you have grown in the emotional area. I could so relate because There were many times when I was rolling along with weight loss and someone made a negative comment about what I was doing - that threw me right off my course. Weight gain followed. Even having someone else (Aunt Jean) correct the commenting person didn't help. It has had to come from inside me (us). Getting to the point of knowing what is good for YOU from the depth of your soul is what I have found I needed. Enjoyed your playing "Make This Sound" with Noah! :) One more thing - Where are those cups available? Thanks.

    1. Nancy-- I totally understand where you're coming from here. I get that completely!! It was a good moment for me, to realize I was truly, 100% beyond being affected by remarks like that-- and not just because I say that--because I'm so incredibly convinced in what I'm doing and how I'm doing it--that his words didn't encourage me to focus on what I'm doing--It made me think, he has no idea!!!
      The Lennon-McCartney mug collection can be found at your nearest Hallmark store. If they don't carry them in stock, they can order for you. My local Hallmark Store ordered the three I purchased for my birthday. I love them!!


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