Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1st, 2014 Zombie Sean

November 1st, 2014 Zombie Sean

I've had a very good day. It all started with a morning cup of coffee with Heather and then the two of us enjoyed breakfast at one of our favorite places in her area. It's a place where it's easy to navigate the menu. Places like this automatically become one of my favorites because there isn't a worry about whether or not I'll find something that fits my criteria for a meal. It must be sugar free and a decent calorie value. 

I headed home early afternoon in time to get ready for my big event tonight, including making a trip to the makeup artist at a salon and spa for my zombie makeup. The event tonight included a three hour broadcast. It was a six hour event that included me as one of the judges of a huge costume contest. I loved the makeup job!! My zombie getup received rave reviews all night. Even as a zombie, I felt so alive!
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It was after 2am when I finally arrived home. Then I realized I could fall back an hour because of our time change and that helped, although I'm still exhausted. Who knew being a member of the walking dead could be so exhausting?

I haven't dressed up in costume in 30 years. The last time was 1984 and I was 13 years old. It turned out to be a really fun experience. Now, I've got to scrub this stuff off my face and neck. This should be fun!

My dinner at the event was planned several days in advance. There was a bunch of free food on display--but instead of going through the buffet line, I enjoyed a specific dinner. I sincerely appreciated this perk of being a judge.

One of the highlights of the evening for me was Amber and some of her friends coming out for the event. Amber and I jumped in the photo-booth:
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I tried on my old jacket today--the one I'm wearing on my book cover, and I could wear it again and totally zip it up! (see NSV Tweet below)It was certainly a non-scale victory deluxe!! It really felt good to get back into that jacket. It's not loose like it was back then--but still, I zipped it up! A new jacket is in order for me very soon!

I didn't intentionally exercise today. Fitbit still gave me a 327 calorie adjustment based on my activity. That's a pretty good burn without doing it intentionally. I'll take it and I'll get back to the Y tomorrow. Or, uh--later today, actually. It's almost 3am! I better get to sleep.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and for your continued support,


  1. Great pictures! From your zombie look to fitting in to your jacket, all impressive. Glad you had a fun time at the event. Also, the food looks AWESOME!

    1. Thank you, LTR! It was a really good day! The food was exceptional, for sure!

  2. Wow! You make a great Zombie! Nice make up job... and a big congrats on your NSV and getting in the jacket. Such a great feeling!
    Ok, so I use MFP and I log my food in daily. I eat egg white and I come up with a lot more cals than you do on my counts and your having meat along with it... I'm confused.. I have to go see what I'm doing wrong.
    Oh and I agree, your food always looks so damn good!


    1. Rosie--interesting... 1 large egg white is 17 calories, as opposed to 70 calories for a large egg. You might make sure you're finding a MFP listing as "1 large egg white," then multiply by the number you enjoy.
      I try to make sure the food is enjoyable, that way I honestly don't feel like I'm "missing out" on anything! I'm eating well!
      Rosie-- are we friends on My Fitness Pal? If not, friend me--My MFP username is SeanAAnderson. That way you can look at my food diary and compare to the tweet pics. :)

  3. Great makeup job :) looks like you had a great time :)

  4. So glad your experience was so good - and you looked great as a zombie. YOU could have won the prize! Was choosing who would win an easy thing to do? AND you stuck with the food budget. Fantastic all around. I thank you for reporting each step you are taking along the way. It is so helpful!!!


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