Friday, November 7, 2014

November 7th, 2014 I'll Take It and Love It

November 7th, 2014 I'll Take It and Love It

It was a fairly busy Friday in my world. I put in a good long day and then prepared to make the trip to see Heather. I'm off tomorrow, completely, so I plan on enjoying the time. We're about to get into the busiest season of the year for broadcasting and advertising/marketing in general, so any time I can enjoy a weekend off, I'll take it and love it!

I tried something different for lunch today. I cooked a super lean hamburger steak and grilled squash in the employee kitchen, using a hot plate, a small oven and a Foreman Grill. Our entire upstairs office space smelled like a diner. The office of the owner is right next to the kitchen--and I'm pretty sure he'll be developing a list of acceptable items to cook. It smelled great, just didn't smell like a radio station. It'll be back to the more aroma friendly tostadas on Monday! (I LOVE the tostadas, so I'm not complaining.)

I had too many errands to run and things to finish before leaving town, so at some point I decided this would be a rest day. And I'm totally fine with this!  I'll be sure to get a couple of workouts in this weekend.

Heather made chicken tortilla soup tonight. It was absolutely delicious! We watched a couple of movies and simply relaxed. I feel good, very good.
My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Can just imagine how busy the upcoming season will be for you. Am glad you have the weekend to relax and enjoy before the craziness starts.
    Heard you on the Voice America show and when you said "waiting to start a food program until life becomes stress free is not possible - it hit me hard. I know that of course, but I was still playing that game with myself once more. Have a big trip coming up and was telling myself I will get very strict after that is behind me. We do keep playing the same old mental tricks on ourselves don't we!!! Thanks for saying what you did to have me pull myself up by my bootstraps into reality and start my 100% healthy program NOW!

    1. Nancy--I'm so happy that piece resonated with you. It's very true. When we "wait for the right time" to start, it's truly an excuse--a reason to prolong our recovery. Because really, life for everyone, in one form or another, is stressful. This is why I like to write and speak about "the background program," where life happens in the foreground and our resolve with food and exercise must stay in the background. That's not to say it's not important--it is very important, but it's imperative that it run parallel to our life and not intertwining in the foreground. Because if it does--then life will get in the way--or it will get in the way--an imbalance will happen. To me, it's all about getting to the place where what we do is just how we live--it's what is important to us, and come what may--we're doing it, day in and day out, because it becomes a part of who we are--and not something ultimately scrambling everything--it should compliment our life, not complicate our life. You can do it, Nancy!! I'm here for you!

  2. I was just mentally saying the same thing when I thought to myself "going sugar free right before Christmas? Am I nuts??". Anyway the answer is yes! Not sure what that will look or feel like but I'm doing it. I have to admit I'm a little afraid.

    1. Leah-- I understand how you're feeling. I assure you, you'll not be sorry over your decision. You're taking a powerful stand for yourself and it will not take long for you to realize the incredible freedom your decision provides--and this will trump anything else--including holiday sweets. You'll still enjoy the wonderful holiday season--in fact, you might just enjoy it even more!!

  3. That lunch looked pretty good, I'm sure the smells made everyone hungry! Chicken tortilla is one of my faves, I'm always looking for new recipes and takes on it *hint hint* maybe Heather will share another good recipe with us ! Have a great weekend!

    1. Alati--Thank you, it was VERY good. Perfect cool weather food!! I hope Heather posts a recipe, too!

  4. I'll have to look up a recipe for that soup! Looks delicious. I love grilled veggies!

    1. Oh, Divad, I do too!! Grilled veggies are soooo good.

  5. I'm so glad that I'm not knee-deep in cookie dough. I used to start baking way before Thanksgiving. Now I leave that to my 'normal' friends. Glad you are taking such good care of yourself, Sean.

    1. Gerri-- I've learned so much from you, thank you!! Many of the things you've shared with me didn't make complete sense until I became food/sugar sober--then it was like, okay--this is what she's talking about, I see!!! This is good!!


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