Thursday, December 18, 2014

December 18th, 2014 Don't Give Up

December 18th, 2014 Don't Give Up

Don't give up. If everything in your mind is saying it's hopeless, it isn't. Don't give up. The time will come again. The "click" will happen. The plan will be made with parameters customized to you, based on what you've learned along the way. Don't give up. If you feel a million miles away from getting into the groove toward weight loss and better health, be patient and don't give up.

As I look back on the time before this ongoing turnaround from relapse and regain, it's hard to believe how far down I felt at the worst points along the way. A good friend who has been there, wouldn't let me go; wouldn't let me release what little hope I had left. I was giving up everyday. I felt stuck. I felt trapped. I felt like my choices were not my own, as if possessed. I was scared. I isolated. I felt alone, like nobody could possibly understand the struggle. I was wrong. Plenty of people understand the struggle. Maybe you understand exactly what I'm writing about. Don't give up.

At this point, a food and exercise plan isn't the most immediate thing needed. The most immediate thing needed is someone to tell you, you're not alone--and this isn't the end. There's hope. And a better day may not be today, tomorrow or next week. But a better day is coming for you if, you don't give up. Let me be that someone. You're not alone. This isn't the end.

I don't remember the moment of truth. I don't remember the exact words spoken to me. I do remember being filled with hope once again and realizing it was a turning point. I could have easily turned the other way. If I had made that choice, to ignore and isolate further, by now I would have once again exceeded 500 pounds--there's not a shred of doubt about it.

I spent plenty of time exploring thoughts of thanks and gratitude today for the incredible blessing this turnaround has become. I've often wondered why my friend, Gerri Helms, didn't get exhausted and give up on me back there, not too long ago. Now I know why. She's been there, too. And she knows the truth. It isn't hopeless. She believed in me when I no longer believed in myself and she convinced me to give it another look, or several.

I may not know you personally. We've likely never met or spoken to one another. But based on what I know about this journey, I can tell you with 100% confidence, I believe in you. 

I'm not special. What I've done and what I'm doing isn't unique. It's been done by countless people before me. I believe we each have it inside us. It's there, just waiting until you're ready to tap its blessings. It's in you, too. Don't give up.

Instead of describing my day, I'll let the Tweets tell the story. It was a good day.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. The strength comes when you least expect it. There is a shift in your thinking and you know you can do this, because you are worth it

  2. Well said Sean! This sums up the first 48 plus years of my life. Having been been between 400 and 550 the past 25 years, 550 in 2012 I still believed and did not give up. It had been a very difficult journey unknowing trapped inside my sugar addiction and was loosing all hope, but I DID NOT GIVE UP!!! . My turning point came in Jan of 2013 when I stopped using all artificial sweeteners, not anything to do with solution to my lifetime roadblock. Looking back on it now, I realized if I did not make this decision back then I doubt I never would have brought myself to my no added sugar challenge this past December 20th of 2013. For those who do not know my story, artificial sweeteners effect me greatly and intensifies my sugar addiction 2-3 times more in presence of added sugar and more than added sugar itself without consuming added sugar. Today marks the end of my first full year of no added sugar without the artificial sweeteners and am happy to report I am down from 500 to 366 during that time. I found my solution, at the point of in my lifetime of loosing most all hope, because did not give up!

    1. Jon, you're the epitome of 'not giving up.' What you're doing and how you're so incredibly in tune with your personal needs and elements, is monumentally inspiring. This journey is about so much more than weight loss--it's about getting to know ourselves on unexplored levels. You're doing that with great success!! Thank you, Jon, for being such a good friend.

  3. Wow! You've added to your list of talents. You've taken up mind reading. lol Thanks for the post. It hit the bull's eye.

    1. Joan, I'm so glad this post hit you square. There's hope, my friend!! It is in YOU. I promise!!

  4. Great post Sean :) was talking about your great progress to mike last night :)

    1. Dawn, thank you!! I sincerely appreciate your support. It has been a long road, for sure. The elements coming together now, are making things a much more rounded and whole experience.

  5. Thanks again Sean for sharing your thoughts through your blog!

    1. Absolutely, Nancy! What it does for me is monumental! Your continued support is absolutely cherished.

  6. I never want to give up, but I just feel stuck. Sluggish, tired, gross and stuck. Today is another day and again I won't give up. Your success inspires me and gives me hope that someday I will too get my act together.

    1. You will, LTR, you will. I totally get that "stuck" feeling. It's a scary place to be. I sincerely hope my trek gives you a glimpse and idea that you're not stuck--you're evolving--and working toward these things, despite it not feeling that way sometimes.

  7. Wow just what I needed to hear! Waiting for my mojo back

    1. It's coming, Karen, it's coming!!! Hold on, my friend!

  8. Love this. Thanks Sean. I need to go back and read about how you were feeling just before this new effort. Did the mojo come back slowly over time as you got back on track or was it there before? I'd love the experiences of others too.

    1. Anneli-- I suggest reading some posts from January 2014. I always tried to be positive--but even still, you can clearly read and feel a sense of desperation. It was a slow and steady mojo rising. Getting it back all at once was difficult because I was so hampered by my sleep apnea issues--It didn't seem to matter what attitude I had first thing each day--by 11am, I always felt defeated and exhausted. Understanding that this issue was something I had to confront first and foremost, was a pivotal point.

    2. This is where I am right now. I appreciate Anneli asking this question, and your reply. I will be reading those posts in a few moments.

      In my current post, Walking Dead, I mention that I crave understanding. Thanks to Retta giving me the link to your blog, and this specific post, I feel understood. Bless you for that.

    3. PeacefulBird, thank you for coming here. I will check out your blog right away. Retta is a most amazing person. I'm so glad she pointed you in this direction.

  9. Thank you friend. I'm struggling a little and this was so helpful. I'm hopeful that I will get to my goal. I wish you a wonderful Christmas with your family and that sweet grandson. I really appreciate how honest you are.
    Patti M. :)

    1. Patti, Sincerely, thank you. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, too! All is not lost, Patti. You will get to your goal. Believe that!!

  10. So very honest and inspiring sean! Thanks for sharing that

    1. Alati, absolutely. Thank you! I just wanted to relate that no matter where you are, it's not the end. It's never time to throw in the towel and let it all go. Adjustments, maybe, yes--but never give up. Ever! Because it can turn around--dramatically.

  11. I really really needed to hear this Sean. Now to just believe it. Only someone who has gone through this struggle will truly understand

    1. Katrin, you're so correct. Those who've experienced these things totally get it...anyone who hasn't, doesn't quite understand the depth and power the struggle can be... I hope you'll embrace the belief that it can all turn around, Katrin. It truly can. Believe it!

  12. Heather, in my 164 pound regain--I truly felt like I had lost the will to make any kind of effort. It was a very tough place to be. I hope, when you read about what's happening in my life now, it gives you a glimpse of your future. It can come back, Heather. It's not lost forever. If ever you need, email me--questions and such, I'd be happy to correspond.

  13. As I continue month after month to slide downward, one by one loosing my mooring lines, I look across the deep hole, see you climbing, slowly and compassionately climbing, and hear you saying, "Don't give up." Amazingly, I hear my own voice repeating, "Don't give up."

    Bless you, Sean, you just gave me another lifeline.

    1. PeacefulBird, I'm honored to be another lifeline for you. It isn't the end, my friend. This period you're in--it's temporary... Things change--and you have better days ahead. Believe that, please. If ever you need further support, feel free to email me at

  14. How thankful I am to have run across your blog site again, Sean. I lost over 100 pounds, only to have taken a detour gaining 65 of it back. Thank you for sharing your journey. I so need to get back on track. The self loathing I feel is incredible.


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