Friday, December 19, 2014

December 19th, 2014 Free Food

December 19th, 2014 Free Food

My location broadcast today included a table full of free food. Hot dogs topped with homemade beef chili and cheese, chips, cookies, soft drinks and hot cocoa. It took saying, "No, thank you" three times before people stopped suggesting I eat something. I was under the impression it was only a two hour broadcast, so I was perfectly content waiting for my return to the studio for lunch. Then I discovered it was a three hour broadcast. Hmmm...suddenly the chili started looking really good! I reached out for support from friends and soon, I was right back in the proper mindset.

In hindsight, I should have packed some fruit or something to hold me over. My lunch back at the studio was good--and I successfully continued a very busy day without giving in to the free food.

We've been short staffed this week due to illness among our ranks. This has created more work and longer days for me. Of course, they have and would do the same for me again--so no complaints. It's been a tiring week, though. I'm looking forward to a little relaxation over the weekend. Perhaps some sleeping in is in order.

My water consumption is up since I started including it in my accountability tweets. I know this can only be a good thing. I hit 12 cups today. Maybe not a personal record, but close.

I've worked out really well this week, so after an exceptionally long day, I decided to allow myself a rest day.

I haven't had a chance to reply to the comments from yesterday's post. I plan on doing that in the morning. If one of those comments was from you, thank you for sharing. And if you find yourself relating to the struggle described in yesterday's post and you prefer a more private way of communicating, send me an email: If I can offer something that helps, I certainly will.

It's late and I'm really tired. Hitting the pillow shortly.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Hope you have a great and relaxing weeknd! You're doing so good with your water.

    1. Thank you, Alati! Adding the water to my accountability program has made a wonderfully positive difference!!

  2. I ran into a situation like that when I went to bowling with hubs the other night. It was the last night of league bowling before Christmas so everyone was celebrating and there were tables and tables of goodies all over. We eat AFTER bowling, it's a late dinner, but it's with family and we always have a great time so I am okay with eating that late ONE night a week. But I was super hungry too and staring at those delicious goodies all night wasn't easy. But I didn't have a thing, I immediately stuck a piece of gum in my mouth and chewed it like a maniac all evening. Went to Applebee's for dinner finally, and had a new low-cal entree, sliced sirloin steak on top of spinach and grains--only 350 calories. Might have been the fact I was ravenous, especially so from avoiding those treats all night, but I wolfed it down and it was delicious!

    1. Excellent strategy, Dup! The gum chewing thing is always a brilliant maneuver! Great work at Applebee's. I really enjoy their new menu...and they keep adding more and more selections and combinations... I know I can go there and always do okay.

  3. Have a great weekend! Do be careful about the upper limits of your water intake, though. There really is such a thing as too much. :)

    1. I don't plan on getting above 12 or 13 cups, ever. ;) Hope you're having a great weekend, too!


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