Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1st, 2014 Okay With Me

December 1st, 2014 Okay With Me

It's hard to believe it's December. It is, it's here. I haven't decorated yet, but I may invite my girls and grandson over later this week to do some. I might need that cheer.

I don't know what came over me today. I left work early with plans to go back and finish my day, but I never went back. I took a nap and woke up feeling not so well. I contacted my boss and requested the rest of the day be a sick day. I did log in from home to finish some work remotely.

I watched a documentary on the Muscle Shoals Sound and FAME Studios. I listened to comedian Marc Maron interview Norman Lear and I tried to get some work done on my meditations project this evening.

I prepared a solid dinner and finished the day 100 calories under budget--and since this was a rest day from exercise, that's okay with me.

I also read a little bit into the archives of this blog. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not. Looking back in reflection with a perspective toward learning valuable things and mining critical lessons, is good. Any other perspective, isn't.

I feel like I have nothing of substance to offer this evening. And that's okay. Some days are like this, I suppose.

If you're a fan of music, I highly recommend the documentary Muscle Shoals on Netflix. That's something!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sounds like we both had the same kind of day. I stayed home from work on a sick day as nobody wants to receive medication from a nurse that has had little to no sleep. This was due to pain in my foot that is waiting to have surgery. At one point I found myself looking to snack today when my body was not requiring food. It was because of fatigue. I made it through after spending some quality time chatting to a dear friend/encourager. It worked. Made it through my day eating cleanly and now going to bed with feeling good about where I'm at. I hope you too are getting the eat you need to awaken with renewed strength for whatever you may be struggling with. Best wishes Sean.

    1. Leah, excellent work in recognizing the difference between a true need and a compulsion fueled by emotional and physical circumstance. That's not often easy!!
      I'm so glad you have someone to chat with in times like these. My network of support buddies includes a few who I can call whenever, anytime--night or day, and that's comforting. I didn't reach out for support yesterday and I should have, really. Not that it's a good reason--but mainly I didn't because I couldn't answer the question, What's going on? I honestly couldn't pinpoint why I felt like I did--call it a "general blah," where it's a combination of things. Instead, I just hunkered down--enjoyed some things (the documentary-Marc's podcast) and maintained a semblance of calm.
      This morning I feel much better. Although, I'm not simply dismissing this because I feel better this morning. I put a call into the doctor for an appointment to talk about this.
      I did rest fairly well--and that certainly helps. Have a wonderful Tuesday, Leah!!

  2. Stay strong Sean - and let us know what the Dr. has to say. They always say to ck out the physical first and then take it from there. We are complex beings with those of us having weight problems even more than others. Sending good vibrations and prayers your way.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I'm doing okay. Very complex, indeed!!
      I sincerely appreciate your good vibrations and prayers! :)

  3. Sean, we all have "blah" days. There aren't any peaks if its all the same! Take care!

  4. I've seen you post a lot about eating gluten-free pastas, wraps, etc. Did you post about why you've chosen to eat gluten-free? Maybe I've missed it. Just wondering if you've seen any benefits to doing so.

    1. I'm not 100% gluten free. I think I could easily get there, though. I use gluten free pasta, every time I cook pasta.
      The differences are hard to pinpoint. I don't think I've ever exhibited an allergic type reaction to gluten, but I do generally feel better after eating a gluten free pasta meal as opposed to a regular pasta meal.

  5. Glad you're feeling better Sean. Yes we all have those days where we're just not sure of our feelings. Sounds like you handled it well but glad you have people you can reach out to also. I think getting into a festive mood with the family sounds like a great idea :)

    1. Dawn, thank you! I couldn't agree more! It's time for a fun night decorating dad's place!! :)


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