Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2nd, 2014 Helping You Helps Me

December 2nd, 2014 Helping You Helps Me

Today felt good. I had a productive day at work, a good food day, an excellent weight loss support group conference call and an awesome workout tonight. I also had the opportunity to offer some advice via text to a friend about weight loss and support.

The phrase "helping you helps me" is one of the truest statements of all time. It strengthens my resolve to take extraordinary care and considering yesterday--it gets me out of my head and focusing on others, far away from dwelling on counter productive issues.

It's ironic how yesterday, as I was feeling mildly depressed, I booked my stand-up performance night for December 11th at UnWined in Downtown Ponca City. The more joyful things I can focus on, the better. I'm also planning to invite my daughters and grandson over to my place for hot chocolate and tree decorating.

The stand-up night will be interesting. It's been a very long time for me and I'll be taking about 95% new material behind the microphone. No worries, though. It'll be a wonderful experience, I'm sure. I've invited comedian Robbie Neville to join me for this night of laughs. He's like my comedy show insurance policy. If I bomb (could happen), then he'll do well enough to make the show a show.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. If your set shows up on YouTube, please let those of us out of state know! I adore stand-up. I'm actually a bit of a comedy fiend. I grew up listening to my father's old Andy Griffith and Bob Newhart albums, and I can't count the times laughter brought me out of some terribly dark places.

    I'm glad to hear you're feeling better today :)

    1. Amanda, thank you! I'm not sure if this one will be captured on video. If it goes well, it'll become a regular thing. I think it will go well! I know it will!!
      Those albums were the best, Amanda. It Was Football is one of the funniest bits, ever.

  2. Glad yesterday was so much better for you! You'll knock 'em dead at the show!
    Thanks for all the advice on my last reply to you. I do read them and hear every word you say. One day I will reach out for that help. I'm super shy and learning slowly that If I stay quiet nothing is going to work out for me. Thanks again!
    OH and I do have a profile on this google thing that I managed to figure out but yet when I try to post, it says I dont exist. So, I'll stay anonymous for now!

    1. Thank you, Rosie! You're always welcome. I'm overjoyed for you and where you are along this road. Google, well...You exist, for sure--and I sincerely appreciate you!

  3. Perfect cup for a day when you're thanking all your friends and blog-reading friends for their help. They only help you Sean, because you give us all so much help in return! We're all in this together. Strawberries! LOVE 'em, but sadly they're out of season and I hate to pay that price for them too. Spring will be here before we know it, and we always have those delicious Honeycrisp apples to fill the gap til then!

    1. Dupster, thank you very much. I love my Lennon-McCartney cups. Love 'em! Perfect cup, indeed.
      OMGoodness, D--almost $7 bucks!! I would have paid 3, maybe even 3.50... but $7? Nope. Couldn't do it.
      I've made a point to try some other kinds of apples lately in an effort to be more economical. I love the honeycrisp, too--but they were getting crazy expensive. I bought yellow golden delicious last night for 88 cents a pound! Yay.


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