Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21st, 2014 Adjusting Plans

December 21st, 2014 Adjusting Plans

One thing is certain, I caught up on a bunch of sleep this weekend! The challenge with a late start is getting out of that routine/groove and adjusting to a later in the day schedule. I deal with that adjustment every weekend. And I've managed to make it work. My food day started so late today, there was nothing 'breakfast' about it.

My plan this evening was to workout and prepare a good dinner at home. A friend called me late needing a favor. They needed a ride an hour and a half away to meet their family for Christmas. It was a three hour round trip drive. And because I'm a super cool friend, I agreed to make it happen.

Committing to this drive tonight required me to change my plans considerably. I decided dinner would be the same 450 calories I consumed for my post-workout snack yesterday. Considering the options on the road--with convenience stores and fast food, it was my best option.

I struggled a bit with my water today. I just now finished my last water of the day, making 8 cups exactly.

It's super late, so I'm wrapping this up for tonight. Many things to write about in the coming days as we get into Christmas week!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. What a great friend you are! Your food looks so delicious every day. I have noticed that since I now allow myself to get hungry between meals, I can eat the same things many times before I get tired of them. Funny how that works.

    1. Pam--Yes, indeed! It's interesting--I don't seem to tire of the tostadas and tacos. I really enjoy the variety and creativity I can employ while preparing these things. Thank you!

  2. Changing the sleep schedule back after having it go so far out of whack is sure difficult. This cookie can sure relate!
    Have a happy, safe holiday Sean! I will be out of town so will not be leaving comments for a while. See you in the new year!

    1. You're so correct, Nancy! Have a safe and warm Christmas! Thank you for your incredible support!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ok, so I had to delete that comment because I have been trying like holy mad to get my google acct to work. So I put in one name and then I see JazzyMae! NOT TO Sure where that came from! LOL I've never been a Jazzy or a Mae, but I guess I'll go with it as it seems to work for now!
    So anyway, what I was trying to say is that you had a good day even with out your eggs... and btw, I've been having my egg whites with one whole egg in the morning w/ baby raw spinach in it... good stuff! And no sugar! One thing non sugar is a start.
    You are a great friend, Indeed! Everyone should be so lucky to have you in their circle.
    You never really seem to struggle and have it going on all the time, for that , I'm amazed.
    Have a good day..
    Rosie ... aka.. JazzyMae? LOL this is still cracking me up!

    1. Jazzy, LOL... I'm not sure I've had any other days without the eggs first thing.
      Oh Rosie--I do struggle, of course! You've read some entries in this blog where there was great struggle. But I don't let it take over. I pull myself up and out of it--and when I need, I lean heavily on support. Have a Merry Christmas, Rosie!

  5. I just found your blog recently and I really enjoy it..good simple food ideas! Also, I love those Beatles mugs! Where did you find them?

    1. JMT, I'm so happy you found my blog! I enjoy my food! Very simple--very good! Always sugar free and always within my calorie budget! :)
      The Beatles mugs are from the Hallmark store. Your nearest Hallmark either has them or can order them! Thank you, JMT!

  6. Thank you Sean! Merry Christmas and have a wonderful 2015! Jane


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