Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30th, 2014 Is That How You Spell Whiny?

December 30th, 2014 Is That How You Spell Whiny?

This sickness continues. I didn't eat until after 6pm this evening. I did go to work this morning, finished my show and produced a few things before coming home sick. I slept from 10:30am until 3pm and it felt like 15 minutes. I mean, I woke up at 3pm and was astonished at the time. It was strange.

I'm sleeping well, apparently. I didn't want to leave the house but I had to get some things at the store. I needed fruit and some gluten free wraps because I wanted a low cal pizza. Yeah--I don't really feel like eating, but if I gotta--it's going to be pizza. A low cal version--but still.

My later dinner wasn't really desired, at all. I was eating for calories. I didn't finish the plate. It wasn't appealing to me one tiny bit.  I checked my calories close to 9pm and realized it was just over 600 and that's with 90 calories worth of coffee creamer. So I tried. I finished off half the plate. So far, so good. (You likely know exactly what I mean--so far, so good-- everything is staying where it needs to stay.)

MyFitnessPal gave me the stern low calorie warning-thing again. I've attached the Tweet below. Red letters!!! That means they're super serious about this deal.

It took me all day to sip the 7 cups of water I committed to drinking. The thing is, when I started to drink it faster, I felt like it might come back up--as if I was eating something I can't stand.

I'm a big mess tonight. I don't feel good at all. I'm nauseous. I'm being a big baby.

I don't get sick, really. Okay, sometimes I do--but not often enough to be labeled "sickly." I'm sick less than most people I know. When I feel like this, I get whiny. Is that how you spell whiny? I really wanted to put an e in there...

I limped through the weekly weight loss support group conference call tonight. Thank goodness Gerri took the lead. We talked about our goals for 2015. I'm glad I was on the call tonight despite this crud. It felt good to verbalize my goals and share them with the group. It gives them a life outside of my head.

I'm not doing my show in the morning. BUT--I do have a bunch of work to do! I need to feel better quickly!!! I have a location broadcast from 4 to 7pm and I'm scheduled to dj a New Years Eve party from 9pm to 12:30am. How do you speed up feeling better?

Sorry for the ranting--sickly man-baby talking pathetic tone. It could be worse. A twitter friend of mine, Marilyn tweeted that her family was just now getting over this stuff and they couldn't eat or leave the house. I've been able to do both of those things today. I suppose I should be grateful. It could be much worse. 

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sorry you still feel so rotten. SO much going around at work! I keep washing my hands like a fiend, pushing through doors with my hands up in the air like a surgeon, and praying I escape it. At least until after I close my fiscal year later next week. :0

    1. Gwen, great idea...I love the image of you walking through doors with "surgeon hands." :) I feel better today (01/01)!!

  2. My family calls that crud the gamBOO. By any name it is still rotten. Black tea by the spoofull has seemed to help settle the stomach. Wishing you truly well and able to enjoy New Year's Eve!!

    1. It is rotten! It was a busy NYE--Glad it's behind me! I'm feeling better. I hope you had a good one!!

  3. You don't feel like eating because your body is giving you a message that it doesn't need food while it is sick and trying to heal itself. This is what the body does under certain circumstances when ill.

    I don't understand the panic to push food down your throat rather than just fasting for a bit when your body is giving you clear signals.

    Fasting even when not sick is actually healthy. I mean you're not going to starve to death. Everybody has glycogen stores and some fat stores.

    As your body continues to heal it will give signals for food when necessary.

    1. A, thank you for your perspective. You're exactly right. I eased up and I feel better for it, today!

  4. You should listen to your internal cues.. instead of a gadget telling you to eat. You were sick, your body didn't want food. Perfectly normal and acceptable! Hope you feel better :)

  5. Sean, you cracked me up with that MFP app. But as others have said, if you REALLY don't want to eat, you should eat only what you can handle. I hope you feel better soon. Ginger is good for an upset stomach. Have you ever had ginger tea, or cooked with fresh ginger?


    1. Thank you, Dede. I haven't tried ginger tea. Thank you for the recommend! I found the MFP thing humorous! I feel much better now!

  6. Sean, Sean, Sean! You know MFP is just a machine with a program that is sending messages. No brain power to adjust to circumstances. Let your poor body heal - and it will faster if you listen to IT! :) You know this, just sayin' ! I picked up something too (am hoping it is only laryngytis and a bad cold) at one of the gatherings. The person with it was helping prepare food, touching everything. Plenty of the germs around and sometimes washing your hands a lot doesn't keep the crud away.
    Hope your New Year's Eve will work out for you Sean. See a shiny new 2015 arrive ready to be the best yet for all of us!!!

    1. Totally get it, Nancy! I found it more humorous that a serious thing. I eased up on the idea that I "needed to eat" yesterday--it it helped, because I feel much better today.
      Oh no!! I hope you feel better quickly! I also hope you had a wonderful NYE and you're looking forward to a fabulous 2015!

  7. I wish I could make you some of my famous chicken soup! It's been known to heal a flu overnight. :) I agree with a few of the commenters, real life isn't a perfect calorie amount. You are consistently bang on with your calories but life happens. You are sick. You eat less. It's the ebb and flow of life. Get well! Don't beat yourself up for falling below our calorie allotment.

    1. Thank you, Divad! Your chicken soup is incredible, I bet! I totally agree with what you're saying. The ebb and flow--absolutely! I feel much better today, for sure!

  8. Get well soon Sean and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

    1. Happy New Year, Dupster--and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thank you, my friend---feeling much better today!

  9. how strange that we both were under the weather at the same time. Thanks for being there anyway, Sean for our weekly support group. Although I'm in the early stages of a head cold, I was 'less sick' than you and able to facilitate our group. Hope we BOTH feel better soon.

  10. If you are sick, give your poor stomach a break and don't eat. Just rest as much as you can.

  11. Happy NEW Year, Sean! I hope tomorrow brings you feeling better so you can enjoy the first day of 2015. It would suck big time if you hit the new year sick... so rest , rest and more rest....and MFP told me I was starving myself for almost a year eating 1200 cals a day...What do they know.? And all those times they told me I'd be 100 lbs in 5 weeks, they were wrong! :)
    To funny on the whiny word... Men are normally whiny when they are sick... something in the DNA I think, not sure... but I will say when your sick you just want someone to take your misery away and give it to someone else and if your alone it does truly suck!
    Feel better and Happy New Year... and sorry this is so random!

    1. Rosie, thank you! I do feel better! Happy New Year!


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