Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3rd, 2014 I'm Riding It

December 3rd, 2014 I'm Riding It

I really wanted to get my workout in before my scheduled trip to Oklahoma City late this afternoon. The time didn't allow and before I knew it I was on the highway, knowing I wouldn't be home until late--and without a workout today. I took a rest day on Monday. I needed to make time for a workout. Although, with this schedule today I would have and could have felt fully justified in not getting it done. 

I was two hours from home and it was getting late. My late afternoon apple snack didn't hold me very well. I was getting very hungry and I knew, I needed to find something. Rather than try to make it home to a super late meal, I decided to dine out.

Maybe I could find a Chipotle? But then I realized for once, I wasn't in the mood for Mexican. I ended up finding an Applebee's. I ordered from their under 600 calorie selections--modified it slightly after asking about the pictured topping on the steak. The server couldn't say with certainty if it had sugar or not. "It's a tomato and vinaigrette glaze," he said.  "Glaze" sounded like sugar to me--so I opted out of the topping. The meal was excellent and it was free! Applebee's sent me a couple of gift card codes in my email after I Tweeted about their food a while back. I hadn't used them--and thought, why not? 

I left the restaurant shortly after 9pm. The meal pretty much cemented that this would go down as a good food day. Now, if I could manage some kind of workout, I would be so proud!

I immediately called one of Edmond's (just north of Oklahoma City) YMCA's to ask about their hours. They closed at 10pm and so did the other Y's in the area. It was 9:20pm. I summoned Siri's help, asking her to give me turn by turn directions to the nearest YMCA. She was on top of it and I was pulling into a YMCA 10 minutes later. I hurried in and explained that my membership was in Ponca City--they quickly looked me up by name, had me sign in and I asked, which way to the elliptical machines? 

I didn't get on the elliptical until 9:35pm. I had to cut my usual 30 minutes down to 25. It was still a wonderful effort, a good sweat and a fantastic choice. 

I don't always make the best choices, but tonight was a good choices kind of night. I could have hit the pillow feeling somewhat justified, but still feeling bad about missing another workout, instead, I'm hitting the pillow knowing I made it a priority--very important, and I made it happen. A day and evening like this, creates a wave of positive momentum. I'm riding it.  

My Tweets today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. fantastic! reminds me of when i went to the gym in december in a frozen bra..this time you are the exercise inspiration!

    1. A frozen bra--oh my, Christine!! Every now and then I hit a groove. Not everyday--but yesterday I was determined to not let a busy day derail me. Thank you, Christine!

  2. Great dedication! Inspiring!


  3. Rock on, my friend! Love how you flat out SHOW how to work this, and work it well. :)

  4. Being creative about getting our "best care" in is what I see here. Another note from you, Sean, to go in my "Book of How to Best Care for Yourself"! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Nancy, it is the most wonderful thing when we give ourselves the level of care we truly deserve. You're welcome--and thank you!

  5. Fantastic! Way to be dedicated and get that work-out in Sean. I don't know many people who would have worked that hard to make sure they got their work-out in for the day. I hate to admit, I probably would not have. You are amazing!

    1. Thank you, Dupster! Awe-- I did that the night before--and last night, didn't. It's a balance, I suppose! :)


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